Happy Friday! We made it through January – congratulations! I felt like it was a super long month so I was happy to reach February. I rocked my goals for January and now I’m hitting the ground running with my goals for February – check them out!
First, let’s take a look at my goals from January:
Daily core workouts
Grade: A
I did 5-10 minute core workouts everyday and I actually enjoyed it! It was nice that it became a habit after 2 weeks. I don’t necessarily feel like my core is stronger just yet, but I’ll continue to incorporate this into my routine.
Make healthier food choices
Grade: A+
Happy to say that I am FINALLY back on track! I’m about 5 weeks into my WW plan and it’s helping me get back to basics, including portion control. One things I’ve also been doing is adding a ton of veggies to every single meal. I was always good about eating veggies for lunch and dinner, but adding to breakfast has been great. I feel fuller longer which eliminates mindless snacking. As of today I’m down 11 pounds and I feel like I can keep it off!
No Spend January
Grade: B
Okay so this was mostly successful. Besides groceries, I did spend money on two “extras” – birthday gifts for my mom and I signed up for a subscription on a dating app.
Here are my goals for February!
Complete Marcia’s Healthy Slice Plank Challenge
I love that Marcia is doing this challenge for February. I’ll be the first to admit that I’m not a fan of planks so that only gives me more reason to complete this challenge! I’m all about a strong core in 2020 so this gets me closer to that goal. If you want to join, check out this post.
Hit the 100 Orangetheory Fitness Classes Milestone
If all goes well this week, I should hit the 100 class milestone! I started counting up my classes last week and was surprised that I was so close. This will be a great achievement for sure!
Actually sign up for a race
I cannot believe that it’s February and I haven’t officially signed up for ANY races! Sure, I have a list of a few that I would like to do, but I haven’t pulled the trigger to sign up and pay the race registration fee. My head hasn’t really been into running long distances for the past few months, so I’m sure that has something to do with my lack of motivation to register for races. Regardless, I need to start planning my running events for the year.
That’s it for this month – wish me luck!
If you set monthly goals, what are your goals for February?
I’m linking up for Fridays with Fairytales and Fitness from Fairytales and Fitness.
Wow, 100 classes already? You have been really enjoying OTF–I’m so glad you found it!
Right? I was shocked that I was almost at that magic number!
I love that you don’t pick a ton of goals! You did great in January. Your mom definitely deserves a gift.
Good luck on planking your way through February!
I am only signed up for one race right now, btw. And right about now, that feels like a good thing. Even just fitting in 3 runs a week seems challenging in Winter!
Yeah if I have too many goals it just stressing me out and that’s not good for anyone, lol.
Same for me – just getting in non-OTF runs is a struggle for me recently so I need to get a handle on that for sure.
Awesome job with the healthier food choices! Hopefully the planks will be a bit easier with 11 pounds less to carry.
Good luck with the dating app! I’m sure it was a good investment.
Yes, the planks do seem to be a little easier these days lol
Whoa 11 pounds is serious! Congrats on that A+! I’m a huge fan of online dating even though I only did it for a month and I only met one guy ==> my husband;-)
Thanks! Most of it was probably water weight but I’ll still take it as a win, lol.
I love that you had success with online dating 🙂
Great job with those January goals! That’s a good idea about adding veggies to breakfast. I’m going to have to give that one a try.
Thanks! Yes try adding veggies to breakfast – it’s been a game changer for me!
You have been crushing it at OTF lately! I have no doubt you will hit 100 this week. Nice job on the planking not my fave core exercise either. Have a great weekend
Thanks so much!
Yay for planking!! Great job on the WW success… I thought you looked a little trimmer in recent pics :-). It’s exciting the big 100 OTF is almost here !!!
Thanks #kimtwin 🙂
Woo hoo on the A+ for healthier food choices! Way to go. Good luck planning your running events for the year. I have a few coming up, but not too many. I may look into a trail race series this spring/summer just for something different.
Thanks Laurie! It feels good to finally have a handle on that.
I am so bad at my nutrition and getting in veggies at every meal. With all the traveling I do, I feel like it’s hard to eat well on the road. Still I guess it’s no excuse! Great job on your weight loss success!
I totally understand – it’s so hard to eat healthy on the road.
Congrats on the weight loss! I’m sure the healthier food choices and all the OTF has had something to do with it. 😉
Thanks! Making better food choices has really been the catalyst for change. You can’t out exercise a bad diet is SO true!
Hooray for the results you’ve seen so far with the A+ nutrition! I decided to join Team RWB Taji 100 Challenge for this month – which is run/hike/walk 100 miles. Will see how it goes!
Wow that’s an awesome challenge!
That’s awesome that you hit 100 classes! I’m trying to hit my milestone of 10 for Solidcore! I’ll have to try Orangetheory.
I really love milestones as a way to celebrate all we’ve accomplished!
Hooray for the dating app! So fun! Which one did you sign up for?
I signed up for Match.com. I used it years ago and actually met my ex-boyfriend on it so I have had some success. Hoping this time goes a little better!
You did a great job with your January goals! 11 pounds is fantastic! And I love that you signed up for a dating app 😉
100 OTF classes is a big milestone – that’s awesome!
Thanks so much Michelle! Yeah, I figured I might as well give the dating apps one more try lol