Happy Friday! First, a HUGE congratulations to our Runfessions host, Marcia, on not only completing the London Marathon, but also becoming an Abbott World Marathon Majors 6 Star Finisher!! To put this in perspective, as of the 2019 Tokyo Marathon, only 4,989 runners have achieved this task.

Congratulations my friend!
Okay, back to Runfessions! Did you have a good month? So far April has gone by the fastest for me this year. It was a pretty busy month so I guess that’s to be expected. As usual, I’m linking up with Marcia from Marcia’s Healthy Slice for Runfessions. Let’s get started!
I runfess that I’m going streaking
I’m joining the BibRave Strava Run Streak from May 1-31. All participants are encouraged to and run OR walk at least a mile and log it on Strava every day in May. This is a streak that I can get behind! I am not a fan of traditional run streaks that require running every day, but I like the option of switching things up with a run OR walk everyday in May. If you’re interested in joining me, join the BibRave Run Club on Strava. (I know today is May 3rd, but better late than never to join, right?!).

Join us from May 1-31!
I runfess that I’m taking a break on my tabata training
Last week I completed week #2 of the Ride Tabata with Robin training program on my Peloton bike. Due to pro-longed DOMS (soreness finally left on Wednesday) from Sunday’s half marathon, mixed in with feeling like crap due to allergies, I decided to hold off on the training this week. I want to be able to give it my all and I really can’t this week. I will resume the training next week when I am hopefully feeling better, and breathing better too (this nose/chest congestion is a b*tch).
But on a more positive note, at least I was able to complete the Spring Launch Challenge (take one Peloton class per day). In April I took a variety of classes – spinning, running, stretching, meditation and strength – to achieve this.
I runfess that I’ve been phoning it in when it comes to workouts
Yes, I do consistently workout (6 days a week), but I haven’t been pushing myself. Granted, I don’t think every workout needs to be an all out 200% effort where you feel like you need an oxygen mask, but I could go a little harder in my workouts. That’s one reason I started the tabata training program. I think part of growing during your fitness journey is being honest with yourself. If I’m being honest, I was just kind of doing workouts to get them over with. Now I’m doing my workouts with much more intention and making sure I’m giving my best effort that day. It’s definitely a process but I’m just glad that I’m more aware now.
I runfess that as of this month, I’m doing a weekly #WCW post on Instagram
So..how did this get started? It’s pretty simple. For the past few weeks I’ve become increasingly annoyed/irritated/enraged with the amount of negativity I’ve seen online. It just seems like if it wasn’t a news story, it was a snarky post or just downright mean comments. I’M OVER IT. Time to put out some positive vibes on the internet. Even though it’s only once a week, hopefully it will bring a smile to someone’s face. Every Wednesday I’m going to pick a female runner to feature for my #WCW (Women Crush Wednesday) post. Take a look at my first post below:
I runfess that I might murder a bird
Kind of weird to write that after I just preached about being positive (LOL), but let me explain. I’m not a great sleeper, so I value any sleep I get, especially when I’m in a deep sleep. What I DON’T need is loud chirping from birds at 4:00am. I get that it’s technically Spring and birds like to chirp in the morning, but why that early? And why are they chirping for so long? And so loudly?? Maybe it’s annoying me more recently because my allergies have been so off the wall, but I just need them to take a break, or at least wait until I’m awake to start the excessive chirping.
That’s it for this month – thanks for reading my runfessions! I hope that you have a great weekend!
I’m also linking up for Fridays with Fairytales and Fitness from Fairytales and Fitness.
Do you have anything you want to runfess for April?
The birds are really noisy right now! They don’t wake me up but they are up before the sun.
I hope your allergies calm down. At least the run streak will keep you moving until you can resume your more intense workouts. Feel better!
I actually didn’t hear any birds this morning, probably because of the rain, lol.
Awww thanks so much my friend! Finishing in London was one of the most epic experiences of my life. It is crazy how everything fell into place, especially getting that “unicorn” entry to London, which is what I’m wishing for you in 2020! I so feel you on the allergies. They are debilitating and we are all sniffling here now. Ugh.
I can’t imagine that finish line feeling! Thanks for sending me some good vibes for my 2020 entry 🙂
Allergies have definitly been kicking my butt but I’m just going to keep using my arsenal of Flonase, Zyrtec, eye drops and tea and hope for the best, lol!
April has gone by FAST! The birds are so loud in the morning here! SO VERY loud. LOL
LOL seems like the birds are in a singing mood everywhere hahaha.
Good for you, Kim. The internet needs more positivity. I’m not on IG, but on Twitter most of the people I follow are runners. They are almost 100% positive and encouraging. I love my Twitter tribe.
Loved the Bart Simson pic! I have been guilty of phoning it in at times too. I think it is better to do fewer workouts with intention than more volume and less commitment.
Thanks Laurie. It sounds like you have a very good Twitter tribe 🙂
LOL I on the bird. I think Scooby gets me up before the birds. ;-). Good call on listening to your body and backing off of the tabata series. Sometimes I feel like my strength days are phoning it in, but I know those little PT moves can add up.
Scooby is like your personal alarm clock 🙂 Luckily today I didn’t hear any birds, probably because of the rain.
I loved seeing your WCW post – I agree that we need more positivity and women supporting women! About the bird- in one of my previous apartments there was a nest right outside my window that was SO loud. I ended up sleeping with ear plugs and white noise machine which helped.
Thanks Becca! I am looking forward to doing the WCW posts every week.
Oh that’s crazy about the birds nest at your old apartment! I need to check to see if there is a nest outside my window.
No…not the birds!!! LOL I have to laugh because I hear them every morning (we have a bunch of big trees in out yard and neighbors’ yards). Myself, I’m an early riser, so I don’t mind the early bird singing. YOU have been a beast with all that Tabata, but you are smart to listen to your body and ease up for a bit if it’s wearing you down. Congrats on all of the Peloton achievements!!! Thanks, again, for all of your kind accolades with the #WCW feature…we cannot have enough positivity these days, there’s way too much snarkiness out there (and we’ve all been victims of it). Love ya, #KimTwin <3
I’m convinced that the birds and I are going to end up fighting soon – they woke me up again at 5am this morning, on a Sunday!!
I loved that you were my first #WCW post and I was so happy that it got a great response! I’m looking forward to doing more of these in the future.
I had to laugh at your comment about the birds because I’ve been thinking the same thing the last few mornings. I really wish I had a bird translator to find out what all that chirping is about! LOL!
Good on you for trying to put some positivity out there – definitely feels like people seem very quick to take each other down.
Hope you get some relief on those allergies!
The birds gave me a break on Saturday, but they were back in full force today. Waking up at 5am on a Sunday was not what I had planned!
I’m all about the positive vibes these days. It just seems like people enjoy being negative and toxic lately and I just don’t get it. Why use that much energy to be miserable??
I would never think of you as phoning it in on the workouts. You work hard friend! Sorry to miss the Bibrave streak but I am traveling too much this month to do it and record it. Looks like a fun one though.
Awwe thanks my friend! I guess my workouts are good, but I just feel like I could push myself more, especially if I want to get stronger.
Lol about the bird! That is so nice of you to do a #wcw post and spread the positivity!
I feel like I need to join a running or fitness challenge this spring. The only run streak I’ve e er done was the one between Thanksgiving and New years! That was enough! Thanks for linking up with us!
Thanks! I’m all about using social media for kindness these days – way too much negativity out there now.
I know what you mean about not giving it all in workouts. I find that when I’m not training with a group I don’t always have the drive needed to push a bit more. I think this is why I like the classes at the gym so much. There’s no way you can slack off – at least not with my instructors!! This is probably also why I’ve been more talk and planning than action at home. I just don’t have that oomph. I’m trying though. And by the way, Tabata workouts are hard!! I don’t blame you for taking a break.
Aw I love your WCW series! Nice! and you picked a good first one to post too 🙂
The internet is bugging me a lot lately too. I have taken to twitter because especially IG is driving me batty. I’m so used to scrolling on by or blocking though – I could be a professional blocker haha!
I totally agree with this! There’s just something about pushing yourself when being in a class. I think the atmosphere of having an instructor and working with other really makes me push harder.
Thanks Renee! I’m all about spreading positive vibes and kindness on social media. There’s way too much crap going on out there lately. Thankfully I don’t have to block people that often.
I love the “birds’ song”. In my garden there are many of them: magpies, blackbirds, seagulls, goldfinches, sparrow. And of course I feed them.
But I understand you want to rest….. and 04:00 is too early.
I agree, the chirping noises can be nice but I need it to start much later in the morning, haha.
OK you are really messing with me now! First I open IG and see Kim’s photo, then I open up your blog post and see Marcia! We’ve had feeders out for the birds all winter long and as the weather gets warmer more and more are coming. I’m with you on the early morning chirping!
LOL I’m sorry for the confusion, haha.
The birds are driving me crazy – they woke me up at 5am today..on a Sunday!
Oh my goodness, I’ve had a few bird stories over the years, but they usually involved birds dive bombing me during my run.
I love your idea for #WCW posts each week. That’s such a great idea and way to keep it positive!
OMG birds dive bombing you?! That sounds so scary!
Behind, as usual! That song of my people, omg. Twice in the last month. We had a pigeon in the air shaft of my apartment in early april for like three days and then I was at mom’s and I forgot she has a dumb woodpecker who pecks at the vinyl. ALL THE TIME
I love #WCW, such a fun thing on social
I need to find you on Strava. Jessie & I were chatting in someone’s comments re: the community. I haven’t figured that out because I have like four Strava friends.
LOL I have to say that the birds have gotten a little bit better about not being so obnoxious super early in the morning.