Happy Friday! Did you have a good week? Another month has come to a close. May I ask how we are already almost halfway through the year? Craziness!
As usual, since it’s the last Friday of the month, I’m linking up with Marcia from Marcia’s Healthy Slice for Runfessions. Let’s get this party started!
I runfess that I actually purchased something based on a Facebook Ad
I know this sounds crazy, but allow me to explain. I normally scroll right by those ads but this one caught my eye. We eat a lot of melon in the summer (literally daily) – watermelon, honeydew, cantaloupe, etc. When I went on Amazon and saw that I could purchase this for under $10 bucks, I was sold! I welcomed this new Watermelon Slicer to my kitchen gadget family last week.
I runfess that I’m pumped about Peloton’s new Marathon training program
Peloton has done it again! Now they offer a 26.2 training program. This program features numerous runs (long run, tempo, etc) from 3 of the run instructors that have a lot of experience with the marathon distance. During the outdoor classes, you listen to the instructor talk you through the run via your headphones. Peloton even offers an 18 week training program where they map out the runs and strength/cross training classes you can take each week. Since I wasn’t planning on using a coach for my upcoming marathon training, this will be perfect for me. Of course I won’t be following it exactly (since I’ll have to add in OTF classes), but it will be a great guide.
I runfess that I’m a little nervous about starting marathon training
Although I still have a few weeks before this starts, I’m a little nervous about embarking on this yet again. This isn’t my first time at the marathon rodeo, but I haven’t trained for one in over a year (last marathon was Shamrock in March 2018). I’m trying to go into training with a positive attitude. I already know that training in the summer is going to suck so I just need to accept that and move on.

Although nervous, I love that the race runs through so many neighborhoods! Source
I runfess that I don’t have any race cations planned for the next few months
It feels weird, but besides a 5K race this weekend, I don’t have any races planned until October. I feel like this will probably change (I’m looking at adding a race in another new state in September), plus I would like to use a few races as long runs. It seems like all of the races that I want to do this year fall in October, and most on the same weekend, lol. Go figure! If you know of any good half marathon in September (besides RnR Philly and Surftown), please let me know!
I runfess that I’ve done a few Netflix binges recently
I’ve binge watched a few shows on Netflix over the past few weeks but I think my favorite was ‘Dead to Me’. I love Christina Applegate so I had a feeling the series would be good – and it was! It’s considered a dark comedy which is the perfect way to describe it. I can’t wait until season 2! You can watch the trailer here.
That’s it for this month – thanks for reading my runfessions! I hope that you have a great weekend!
I’m also linking up for Fridays with Fairytales and Fitness from Fairytales and Fitness.
Do you have anything you want to runfess for May?
I’ve bought a few things from FB ads–most recently, a pair of TOMS that were 25% off. They got me.
We binge watched Mrs Maisel over the winter and since then haven’t been able to get into any other series. We tried Dead to Me, Frankie and Grace, but just couldn’t feel it. Sigh.
So fun that Peloton is offering marathon training! Anxious to hear how it goes.
Oh that’s a great deal on TOMS! i have a few friends that really love that brand.
I am really nervous about Marathon training because this is my first. Help!!
I’m running Surftown. What’s it like?
Adirondack half in Schroon is nice. In October. Hogsback in Conn?
Totally normal to be nervous for your first marathon but I know that you can do it!
I’ve never run Surftown but I have a few friends that have run it multiple years and they loved it!
That is AWESOME that Peloton has marathon training! I marvel at how well that company has done. I saw something somewhere that said 2 week til Chi training starts. So excited for you! This time around will be SO MUCH BETTER for you! Thanks for runfessing!
Me too! They seem to keep coming out with great ways to take their company to the next level and I love it.
I’m not sure if I will do a 12, 14 or 16 week training plan for Chicago – I should probably figure that out soon lol
Aside from my 5k tomorrow, I have nothing planned at all this year. I’m sure there will be some shorter races. And I’m still hopeful for a fall race myself, but for the summer, I’m actually busy with some other stuff so the break in racing came at a good time for me.
We watched the first episode of Dead to Me. Didn’t really grab us. I could see going on with it, but I know it’s not my husband’s cup of tea so we moved on.
I don’t really think there IS a good season to train for a marathon!
I think summer is the best time to not train for a race – at least you won’t have to deal with the heat and humidity for long runs!
Chicago is one of my favorite marathons. Great flat course. I didn’t know Pelaton had a running program. So it’s an outdoor program and not just one for their treadmill?
I also love Chicago. I ran the marathon on 2017 but had an awful experience so I hope this year will be much better.
Peloton has both outdoor classes and also classes for the treadmill!
Glad you have already a good program for your next marathon.
I’m very sad because I cannot run anymore a marathon after the last incident. However I remember that I never planned a preparation in summer: too difficult to run long distances in the heat and I used to enter half marathons as training for the main event (and sometimes I ran some mile more to respect the program).
Yes, totally agree with you. I despise doing long runs in the summer heat but it’s all part of training for a Fall marathon unfortunately.
I have never bought anything from a FB ad, but I’ve come close. There is an ad for very cute running skirts that keeps popping up, but I did a quick background check on the company and they got some bad reviews for customer service.
I loved the Chicago Marathon – one of my all-time favorites. I think you will really enjoy it, even though you have to train in the summer. I like your idea of running a race as a supported long run.
Yes. that’s the main issues with a lot of things advertised on Facebook. The quality isn’t always that great unfortunately.
I want to try Dead to Me! It looks kind of creepy which is right up my alley. 🙂
I didn’t know Peloton had a marathon training program! That’s good to know. I’m totally not a runner and the most I’ve done was a 5K, but I’ve been considering getting back into running occasionally especially now that it’s nice out.
It was definitely a dark comedy but I did enjoy it!
That’s so great that you want to try running more often. There are so many couch to 5K programs that would totally help you with your training.
Oh my goodness! I loved Dead to Me. My latest binge is Imposters. Good luck with the start of your marathon training!!!
I have to check out Imposters!
I need to get my marathon training mapped out. I’m still toying with doing the Air Force Marathon (Sept. 21), but have not pulled the trigger. MCM is Oct.29, so July is probably when that will kick-off. We’ll be training together 😉
How cool that Peleton has a marathon training program! We can compare notes as we slog it out this summer 🙂
That Racecation meme cracked me up! I’d like to find a half for September too, but so far no luck – everything seems to be in October!
Yes! I feel like we should do weekly check ins during marathon training. It would be great motivation.
I agree that everything seems to be in October. I will look into Surfttown Half Marathon in RI and see if that might be a good fit for us!
Oh how cool of Peloton to offer a training program! Good luck with the training for Chicago – heat train when you can, and throw in some hill training even though it’s a flat course for leg strength — ps I WANT that Chicago poster!
Thanks for the tips Becca! The heat training won’t be a problem since its usually humid and or hot here in the summer lol.
Peleton really is doing great things. Can’t wait to hear what you think of this program. That melon tool looks cool. How does the green spinny thing work? Thanks for the tip on Dead to Me. I’ve had a girl crush on Christina Applegate since Married with Children days. :-0
I’ve always loved Christina Applegate’s acting so that’s the man reason I wanted to watch the show. Glad it didn’t disappoint.
Runfessions? I’m getting addicted to race registrations..again. I was doing so good!
About the Peloton program: I think nothing will substitute a real (even online) coach.
And I started watching Dead to me but I was distracted by Pose and Luther! But I’m coming back to it! have a great June!
LOL it’s really easy to get addicted to signing up for new races!
I am completely blind to FB and Google ads, etc. Seriously, I never even notice them! That Peloton training program sounds awesome. And OMG Dead to Me!! We binge-watched the whole thing a couple of weeks ago and absolutely loved it!
When I first started Dead to Me I didn’t think I would like it but it was so so good!
OMG HOW DOES THE WATERMELON THING WORK???? A friend bought one and said it didn’t work quite right but i am awful at cutting fruit and veggies so I want it.
I just booked an excursion based on FB ads! I’ve been desperate to go on a clear kayak for a bioluminescent comb jelly tour and it’s finally happening!
It actually pretty pretty well but it was kind of messy!
That’s so awesome that you booked an excursion – I hope that it’s great!
I have just started watching some Netflix series, so I will add Dead to Me to my list! Do you like the watermelon gadget? I have a kitchen gadget obsession, so I may have to buy one!! 🙂
I really like the watermelon gadget! It’s still a little messy to cut watermelon – I don’t think anything will help that!
I binge watched dead to me on my long flight predictable but good. Try The Imposters. Love that watermelon slicer
You’re the second person to recommend Imposters – I’ll have to check it out!
That watermelon slicer looks amazing – and reminded me I have some in the fridge. I waste so much buying pre cut
The watermelon cutter is a very odd looking tool but it is pretty cool!
Thanks for the link to the Dead To Me show. I have seen little ads here and there but didn’t know what it was about. Not a runner here but my husband is so I get what you’re saying with the training plans and what not. 🙂