Happy Sunday! I’m officially training for Rock ‘n’ Roll Philadelphia! Currently I’m registered for the 5K (Saturday) and Half Marathon (Sunday), but I may add the 10K (Saturday) for an added challenge (stay tuned for that decision next month). This will be my 3rd consecutive year running this race. I keep coming back because it’s a short distance from my house (less than 3 hours) and it’s a really fun city and race weekend!
This will be a shortened training plan (7 weeks), but I know it will get me across those finish lines! I’ve be focusing on running (duh!), but also spinning and strength training. Here’s my week 1 recap!
Monday, July 30
45 minute walk.
We went to Cheesecake Factory after work for dinner (they also had 50% off all cheesecake slices!). I really felt the need to burn off some of those calories post-dinner, but I knew a run wasn’t going to happen so I opted for an evening walk.
Tuesday, July 31
2 mile run + Boot Camp (45 minutes).
My treadmill run felt great! Unfortunately the boot camp class wasn’t that great (we had a substitute instructor). The class just felt super unorganized, but I still got in a good amount of weights and cardio, so I can’t complain!
Wednesday, August 1
3 mile run + Boot Camp (60 mins).
My legs felt like jello by the end of class but I guess that’s a good thing, right? I definitely need a good post-workout stretch.
Thursday, August 2
90s Hip Hop Peloton Spinning Class (65 minutes).
I took two classes – 90s Hip Hop 20 min ride + 90s Hip Hop 45 min ride. Both classes were with Robin. She’s my favorite instructor because her playlists are always awesome – it’s like having a party on the bike! I’m starting to use my Peloton bike more often and I really love the convenience of being able to take live classes after work.
Friday, August 3
Rest Day.
Saturday, August 4
7 mile run.
This was my first official “long run” of the training cycle. It was actually really hard – it felt more like a 15 mile run, lol. I’m sure the 95% humidity and 73 dew point didn’t help either.

Sunday, August 5
Spinning (60 minutes).
Woke up kinda sore and stiff from Saturday’s run so I was hoping a spinning class would help with that and it did!
Total Weekly Mileage: 12 miles
Weekly Weight Loss: -2 pounds
Grade This Week โ A
The weather this week has been very odd and very Florida-like. It’s been hot and humid every day with spurts of crazy downpours. It will literally rain hard for 10-15 minutes and then the sun will come out. It’s the craziest thing. It looks like it’s going to continue into next week as well. I’ll just be thankful when we get a break in this awful humidity, but it’s August so this is all to be expected!
Besides the weather, I am happy with my first week of training. I did skip a run – I was supposed to do 4 miles on Thursday but opted for spinning instead. I intended to run but my back has been bothering me since Wednesday. I just think my body has to get used to getting back into a workout routine. I used a piece of KT Tape on it for my long run on Saturday and it felt better so I was thankful for that.
Earlier in the week I also signed up for two races. I signed up for the Abbott Dash to the Finish Line 5K. I’ve done this race numerous times and it’s the day before the NYC Marathon so it’s always a blast! In addition, I also signed up to volunteer at the NYC Marathon Expo. I’ll be handing out race bibs to the runners. I’m looking forward to it!
I also registered for my first race of 2019 – Boston’s Run to Remember Half Marathon. I have wanted to run a race in Boston for a few years and this one looks perfect! I’m also looking forward to seeing Michelle again during that trip ๐ This got me to thinking – I guess it’s not too early to start thinking about races I want to do in 2019. I’m also trying to run in new states (so far I’ve run in NY, NJ, PA, CT, OH, VA, NV, CA, and IL – with DE and SC planned for later this year) so if you have any race suggestions, please let me know!
That’s it for this week – thanks for reading!
How was your week? Have you been experiencing crazy weather too?
In Case You Missed It
Iโm linking up with Holly and Wendy for the Weekly Wrap.
You need to do a race in Maryland! It’s not that far and it seems like you’ve run all the surrounding states. The Baltimore Running Festival is in October and that’s probably the biggest race here with all different distances, but there are other races all year long!
I am totally with you on the weather. I feel like no mater how much it rains, the humidity just doesn’t break. Ugh, it really makes running feel so much harder!
Yes Maryland is on my list as well. I think I’m doing another race in October this year the same weekend as the Running Festival, but I may add it to my calendar for 2019! I’ve heard such good thins about that whole race weekend and it seems like a lot of fun ๐
Unfortunately I think the humidity is here to stay this week. Today we actually have a heat advisory – yuck!
All the best on the road to Philly! You are not the first person to mention that Robin in your fave Peloton instructor. She must be awesome. Yes, weather is nuts here too. Crazy triple digit heat and now today high winds.
Thanks Marcia! Yes, Robin is really awesome and she is just super positive and I need that after a long day of work lol
A 2019 race?! You are so far ahead of me! Great job on your “first” week of training, but I know you are building on a strong summer of training already — even with the bit of time off you had after the bone marrow donation. Kudos to you for sticking out that sticky run. Our dew point has been close to oppressive the past few days. I literally was dripping after only 3 miles this morning.
Well the prices were going up so that also gave me incentive to register so early, LOL.
Oh the dew point levels have been so bad. I’m just so ready for a break in the humidity!
Nice training week! I’m so happy you registered for Run to Remember! I wish I were going to make it to Philly but I won’t be half marathon ready ๐ I didn’t realize you could run all 3 races that weekend – that would be one heck of a challenge!
Sorry to hear that you can’t make it to Philly ๐ Technically I don’t think you’re supposed to run the 5k and 10k, but if I can finish the 5k in time, why not? lol
I don’t have any 2019 races planned yet, but I want to try another 50 mile race. Gotta get through my rehab though but I’ve been cleared to start a return to run program!!
So happy to hear that you have been cleared to start running again – that’s great!
That is a great first week of training! The weather for your long run must have been miserable though. Good job getting it done.
Thanks Hannah! I don’t know if I could have run much more on Saturday. 7 miles felt like 15! lol
Today was the first day of โsummerโ weather in awhile… hot & humid (with. a couple intermittent bursts of rain!).
Hopefully your hot and humid weather won’t last too long!
The Run to Remember is a fun one! I am running RnR races in GA (November) and CO (October). Letโs go!
Happy to hear that you loved the Run to Remember race. I’m looking forward to it!
Good Luck at your RnR races this Fall!
I considered going for a run this morning but we are having Alabama style humidity here in Illinois, so nope, I’ll take a pass. I really need to get on the yoga mat anyways.
I’m jealous of your RnR Philly plans! Wish I could join you. Too much going on this fall.
We’re under a heat advisory today so I’ll be enjoying some quality time with the treadmill after work
I so wish you could come to Philly too!
I feel that all my runs this week were in the miserable category.
I signed up to run the 5k and half for RnR Montreal. But I am really slacking on my training…oh well.
I agree with you on that. Definitely hard to enjoy any runs in those awful dew points!
Great job on your first week of training for RNR Philly! The weather has been absolutely miserable and the random rain storms have been so weird this past week! I’ll have to ask my PT if I can take spin class…that would be a lot more fun!
Thanks Janelle! I hope that your PT clears you for spin class.
I am so glad to see you feeling stronger again and back to your long runs. Great job getting out there with the crazy humidity
Thanks! The weather has not been that nice to us lately. Hopefully the humidity breaks soon!
Philly is oh so tempting for the same close proximity reason. I don’t think I can get Half Marathon ready by mid September though. There was a spring one the weekend of Cherry Blossom that I might do in 2019. Well done on the training!
Totally understand what you mean. I hope that I will be half marathon ready by that time, lol.
oooh! You have a peleton! I want to get one so badly. Good job with all of your training runs this week. When is the Philly race. Maybe I will need to add it to my race calendar!
The Peleton was such a great investment and I am liking it more and more everyday. The Philly race is September 15-16.
Sounds like a good first week of training overall! The 90’s Peloton classes seem like a lot of fun ๐
That class was so much fun! I love all the music form that error.
So far my next two races have me in places I’ve run before. I was hoping to find a quick race in Alaska, and no such luck.
Oh thats a shame about not finding a race in Alaska but I bet that’s really hard!
We are STILL dealing with the heat and humidity here in Chicago. I swear, we are going to go from this to freezing overnight. We’re having rain here today, which is fine by me as I have tons of work to get done. Great first week of training for your Philly race!
I have a feeling that you are right. I feel like it might be one of those years where we totally skip Fall!
Awesome job this week! Classes where your legs feel like Jello afterwards are the best! Haha!
Thanks Karen! Yes, I love to “feel the burn” after a class. It means I know I did something right!
Great job getting back to 7 miles so quickly after your procedure! I’ve been “miserable” all summer! Ha ha ha. Seriously, the humidity has got to go already. A party on the bike sounds like my kind of fun. When I do get on the trainer — I have to crank out those party tunes! You know you’ll have to come to the deep South eventually. We have many great races to choose from during the WINTER (I wouldn’t wish our summer conditions on anyone!). Thanks for linking!
I honestly don’t know how you deal with the heat in the South. I think that it would make me a hermit lol.
I would definitely only be able to race down there during the winter haha
I really admire your consistency and putting a specific training plan in place for each weekend. I’m sad to have to miss Philly this year!
Thanks so much Briana! I’ll miss seeing you at Philly this year ๐
Oh, 76 is miserable? I guess we have miserable conditions 90% of the year LOL!
You had a great week and you are going to do awesome in Philly. It’s such a great city and a cool race, and even on a shortened training plan, you are going to own it.
I can’t even imagine the dew point in Florida year round – it has to be miserable!
Our weather has been hot and humid making it very hard to get in decent runs.
I’m glad you are enjoying your peloton bike. I enjoy using my ifit program on my bike but haven’t used it at all this summer.
Agreed. I actually think I could deal better with the heat if the humidity would decrease.
We were a bit cooler last week, hence me getting my 16 miler in, well, I won’t say comfortably, but more than if it had been like it has been. It’s up again now, though, ugh. I have to run tonight with my rucksack for my race on Saturday to make sure it works OK – fun times!
This blew my mind: “because itโs a short distance from my house (less than 3 hours” – it would take a very special race to get me that far from home! We’d be talking Scotland for that, I reckon, or definitely Bournemouth. That seems like a lonnnnnng distance for me. So funny!
Great training done and those spin classes with actually cool music sound great.
Awesome job on your 16 miler and I’m glad that the weather has been a little cooler!
Luckily I can hop a train from my city to Philly, so that makes the travel easier since I don’t have to drive and worry about traffic, parking, etc.
Weeks have been zooming this summer. So glad your coming to Philly and its such a fun run. Maybe we can meet again not sure if remember the yoga class in NYC with Snapware but its been a while ๐
Oh I remember that. Wow that seems like it was so long ago. Time really flies by!
Fitness classes are always a crap shoot when there’s a new/different instructor. I’m sorry you didn’t really enjoy that one but I’m glad you still managed to get a good workout in! And, hello, I’m in love with that mat!!!
You’d think with all the running I do that the thought of running a 5k and a 10k on the same day and then a half the next wouldn’t sound tough. But, nope. I’m impressed that you can do that without breaking!! I think I would break. LOL
This weather. I just can’t even anymore. If I’m not wet from running in the rain, I look like I ran in the rain because of all the humuggity. Gross.
Yeah it’s definitely a crap shoot but like you mentioned at least I still got in a good workout!
Same here for me for running. I sweat a lot so I always finish a run looking like I just got out of the pool. It’s so gross!
Kudos to you for pushing through during your log run. Iโve been quite challenged by the heat and humidity down here in Miami. Although Iโm sad to see our trip coming to an end soon Iโm excited about being able to run in more bearable weather again.
I imagine that the weather is Florida is absolutely horrible for running so kudos to you for continuing to run outside!
Good luck at Philly! A large group from my running group is heading up there.
Thanks Smitha! It’s a really great race so I’m sure your run group buddies will have fun!
good training week and the cheesecake factory obviously didn’t set you back! whoo hoo! I think doing a spinning class instead of running is fine. you are using your leg muscles anyway and likely engaging your core, only at a lesser impact to your joints. I run only 3 days a week right now for marathon training, but do spinning minimum once max twice a week with bodypump thrown in as well. I feel personally like it’s fine and am generally more recovered by the time I do my long run (of course the weather hasn’t helped AND I had some issues with fuelling but that’s another story haha!)
why only run the states? how about overseas … hmmmmm???? you know you want to …!!! Paris, Amsterdam, RnR Liverpool, Berlin…
Totally agree with you about the spinning and hoping it will really help with my endurance and making my legs stronger as well. I’m still doing my long runs which I feel are the most important honestly.
My sister is running the same half! It will be her first one! She is super excited and nervous ๐
Great job on your training and also listening to your body!
You totally need to come run in Texas, but not in the summertime! LOL
Have a great week!
Oh thats awesome! Please tell your sister that it’s a really great race and a perfect race for your first half!
According to your Dew Point chart, we are in the miserable category 10 months out of the year! Lol
You are doing great with your workouts and recovery and I’m loving those RnR Philly medals ….super cool! Good luck!
I know ๐ I feel so bad for all of you that have to run in the South.
Hey, I have two 2019 races booked, so I totally am with ya ๐ (though one is Antarctica, which fingers crossed actually happens this year).
Great week as always, and love your variety of workouts!
Excited for you to tackle the Antarctica race next year! ๐