Another Sunday, another week of training complete. Most of my workouts this week were indoors due to the crazy amount of rain we’ve had recently. It’s also been super duper humid. I think it’s rained every day since Monday and this weekend was a total washout. Oh well, what can you do? I hope that means that next week’s weather will be better? We shall see! Here’s how my workouts went this week.
Monday, August 6
5 mile run.
This was one of my better runs of the week. Unfortunately I hit over 400 miles on these sneakers so I have to retire them from running 🙁 It’s so sad because I LOVE the model of these sneakers. I’m so happy I stocked up on them while they were sale a few years ago, but now I’m down to my very last pair.
Tuesday, August 7
Tabata Spinning Class (45 minutes) + HIIT Workout (15 minutes).
I hopped on the Peloton bike for a crazy hard spin class with Robin. I was dripping sweat by the end, but because I’m a little crazy, I also added a quick HIIT class. I was exhausted by the end of both workouts!
Wednesday, August 8
Boot Camp (60 minutes).
My legs were still feeling Tuesday’s workout so it was a struggle to get through class but luckily I did.
Thursday, August 9
5 mile run.
No part of me wanted to do this run after work, but I knew it had to get done. Bright colors always make me happy so I went full blown “Rainbow Brite” for this run, and it worked!
Friday, August 10
Spinning (45 minutes).
I was able to join a live class from my bike. This class had a DJ – yes a DJ! It was literally like a party on the bike. Robin had a ton of energy, as usual, and the DJ was dancing up a storm. It was so much fun. I am going to try to take a class in their actual studio in NYC sometime this year.
Saturday, August 11
9 mile long run.
As I was walking to the car to leave for my long run, it started raining. Darn! I was hoping that I would miss the rain but Mother Nature had other ideas.
It was supposed to rain all weekend so I just decided to hit up the treadmill for my 9 mile long run. In the middle of my run, I received this alert on my phone:
Well I guess that means I made the right decision by deciding to do the run indoors! After lots of sweat and a killer playlist (2000s Hip Hop), the run was done!
Sunday, August 12
Spinning (60 minutes).
Need to get the legs moving after yesterday’s long run and spinning always does the trick!
Sidenote – Of course it didn’t rain at all this morning, so I actually could have done my long run today. I checked 3 weather apps yesterday and they all showed rain all day today – ugh!!
Total Weekly Mileage: 19 miles
Weekly Weight Loss: +0.2
Summary: 3 runs, 3 spinning class, 1 Bootcamp and 1 HIIT class
Grade This Week – A
I’m pleased with the quality of my workouts this week, but I still need to get in more strength training, even if it’s just a quick 15 minute session after a run. For some reason I felt very energized – I guess because it’s still the beginning of my training cycle. I always look forward to my rest days (typically on Fridays), but this week I had a lot of energy so I decided to take a spinning class that day. Of course now that we’re at the end of the week, I feel tired, LOL.
Even though Saturday’s long run was on the treadmill, it went really well overall. I only had to stop once for a potty break and I kept a pretty consistent pace with very few walk breaks. On Friday night I used my Normatec Recovery boots so maybe that’s why my legs felt good during the run? I also tried a different pre-long run meal. Usually it’s pizza or pasta but this week I had Miso soup and sushi (sweet potato rolls and shrimp tempura rolls). Still a good amount of carbs so I think that worked in my favor as well. I’ll try this again and see if I get a similar result.
In other non-training related news…
I spent some time on Instagram this morning catching up on posts – liking, commenting, etc. Then I decided to check my Followers app. I haven’t checked it in a few weeks but it’s good because you can see all your new followers, people that have unfollowed you, etc. There’s also a feature that shows engagement and there’s a section where you can see accounts that haven’t liked, commented, or both on your phots. Well I went through to see which accounts have never liked/commented on ANY of my posts and I unfollowed them. I’m all about engagement on Instagram so it doesn’t make sense for me to follow accounts that don’t engage with my account. Thankfully it wasn’t a large number of accounts, but it still felt good to purge.
In more “fun” news, I have a great sale to share with you! Do I have any calf sleeve lovers out there? Pro Compression is offering grab bags for their calf sleeves. Each bag contains 3 randomly selected calf sleeves for $39. This is a huge savings so if you need calf sleeves, considering purchasing a grab bag, or two. But hurry, the deal ends tonight (details below)!
That’s it for this week – thanks for reading!
How was your week? Do you feel energized at the beginning of a training cycle?
In Case You Missed It
BHAG…Do I Actually Have One?
5 “Non-Running” Songs On My Playlist
I’m linking up with Holly and Wendy for the Weekly Wrap.
Oh my, I absolutely feel you on going full rainbow brite. My vacation shoes — the ones that are nearly out of mileage so if I have to toss them due to space I’m OK with that are hot pink and I have sonme wonderfully ridiculous leggings. Love your purple tights later down. I am over this weather, but think I spot a strange orange ball in the sky!
Bright shoes, clothes, etc just add a little fun to a workout!
Sounds like you made the right choice to go with the treadmill! Most of our rain has been at night this week, but its still be SO humid during the day. Great job this week!
Yes the humidity is always 10x worse after the rain! Next week looks pretty bad here but I’m hoping that it gets better at some point this month.
Looks like a great week to me! Can’t complain with an A-! Have another great week ahead.
Thanks so much Patrick!
All of these Peloton spin classes sound great. I am going to have to stream a few of them when I start doing more indoor workouts. Looks like a pretty solid week
Definitely a stream a few of them and let me know what you think!
That’s a great idea about cleaning out your IG! I have been unfollowing people that post icky body pictures. What’s weird is that there are people in my feed that I don’t remember following. I know I wouldn’t have followed the body people. I’ve asked other people if they’ve had this happen…I keep thinking its an IG conspiracy…LOL
You made the most of the bad weather! Nice work. You make me want a Peloton! It would be great for the winter.
Yeah the body posts always turn me off so I always unfollow people that post stuff like that. Oh and yes, I’ve had that happen before. There are people that apparently I’m following that I know I never would follow! It’s definitely an IG conspiracy haha.
A peloton would be great for the winter!
I always hate when I come to the last pair of my favorite running shoe. I wish companies would stop making so many updates! I used to eat miso soup or ramen and avocado rolls when I trained for Tokyo – I LOVED it and now you have me thinking of doing it again when I resume running.
It’s so sad 🙁 I with that companies would keep the older models and maybe label them “classic” and still have them available for sale.
Nine miles on the treadmill takes serious dedication! We didn’t get much rain last week, but rain interfered with our grilling plans tonight. We’ve had so many weekends where they were forecasting rain so group bike rides were canceled and then it didn’t rain that the ride leaders are waiting until the morning to call it. The weather forecasters seem particularly bad at forecasting Saturday morning weather!
Love your bright rainbow socks!
Thank Coco! I’ve done long runs on the treadmill before but its been a few months since I’ve done that so it was a bit of a struggle lol.
I can see your rainbow shoes are the Launch- are the yellow ones too? I’ve tried the Launch but still am a Ravenna girl…but I have been meaning to try out the Launch again since I think my feet and gait have changed a bit post injury.
Anyways, awesome week, you always fit in such a great variety, it’s fun to read about. My sister has a Peloton I keep meaning to try out…it looks really fun!
No, the yellow ones are the Mizuno Wave Inspire 10s. These are my favorite sneakers of all time but they don’t make them anymore 🙁 I just tried the Launch earlier this year and so far so good. I still need to see how they feel for a long run.
If you try out your sister’s Peloton you’ll probably want to buy one for yourself!
Your Peloton workouts always sounds SO fun! Sorry it’s been so crappy out. And here we sit needing rain! We had a couple of much needed downpours but that’s really it. Not complaining!
Don’t even get me started on IG and the unfollowers. I loathe when I like someone’s post only to have them unfollow me immediately after. WTH??
It’s so crazy how we’ve had nothing but rain for a while but then place like California would really welcome any amount of rain. This summer has been really wacky in terms of weather.
The IG follow/unfollow game is one of my biggest pet-peeves!
Girl, you wear this old lady out! Tabata and Spin class sounds absolutely insane! Lol
The tabata spin class was like something I’ve never experienced before LOL
I see all your daily Insta posts (and FB as well), but I forget just how many workouts happen…until you post them all in one spot. Dang, Girl! you were super-dooper active last week! I know how much of a bummer it is when shoes “improve” their already-perfect models….and the new ones just aren’t a great fit. I”m glad the Brooks Adrenalines have been a great sister shoe to my Mizuno Wave Inspires. The last three models have all worked great for me 😉
Yeah this was a crazy week for workouts but it kind of felt good to push myself a little bit! You know how I feel about the wave inspire 10s, lol
I hate it when shoes run out of miles! I have my last two pairs of my favourites and have about 750 miles left in the two but am going to find a new love in the late autumn when the seasons are swapping and I can try this year’s (sale!) shoes and next year’s and then have two favourites to buy multiple copies of. This worked well with the Saucony Guide 8s and 9s I’ve been using for the past few years.
After Saturday’s race I’m not exactly full of energy but I have the running club’s coaches working on some strength training plans for me so I’ve committed to that. I need to be fitter to make sure I age well and strongly and I got a bit panicky about that when feeling so challenged in the race!
It’s so sad! It’s like I know it will happen eventually, but when it does it still makes me sad.
So awesome to hear that you have committed to doing some strength training! I swear by it, especially when training.
The weather never does what it is supposed to do when it really matters, haha! Great week! One day, I will give spin a try.
LOL right? I feel like weather has been mocking me for the past 2 weeks.
Phew, smart of you to miss out on the flash flood! I don’t really like Instagram anymore – it’s gotten weird, and I think it all started after they started putting posts in non-sequential order. I hate all the spammy accounts that follow and unfollow you…it makes me tired and not want to use that platform.
And after all that, I went and followed you on Instagram 🙂
I followed you back 🙂
Yes! Instagram went to sh*t once they stopped showing posts in chronological order. It’s SO frustrating because I miss out on a ton of posts because of the algorithm.
Sounds like a great week – you squeezed in a lot! I used to take advantage of that calf sleeves deal whenever they were running it and now I have excessive amounts of calf sleeves!
Maybe you can use the calf sleeves for hiking or when you are volunteering at a racE? Since you’ll be on your feet for hours the calf sleeves might help your legs feel less fatigued.
Philly is going to be so awesome! I would love to take another crack at it!
Love those Compression socks! They are so great for long runs, and it doesn’t hurt that they are adorable!
Keep getting after it! You are doing awesome!
I always feel energized when I’m turning focus to something new. I think the adrenaline is what gets us through!
I love “The Gibblers” socks. The colors always remind me of a rainbow and put me in a great mood!
Sounds like you made the right decision about running on the treadmill given that flood warning! The rain has made it so tricky to figure out when to run. Thankfully our weekend rain waited until the afternoon both days so I was able to get in some runs outside in the morning.
The rain has really messed with my outdoor running plans all last week and it looks like this week will be a repeat 🙁
Dang, can you send me some of your rain? We are in a whole lot of smoke over here from fires and we’ve only had 2 rain storms all summer! Our air is so bad that I can’t run outside 🙁 and i have a race this week! (it will probably get cancelled)
It’s so crazy how some parts of the country are super dry but others are getting tons of rain and flooding! I hope that your weather conditions improve soon.
Great job with your workouts, you definitely got it in! I’m starting to think that it would be good to get back to spin class…our next cycle at work starts in September so I’m going to give it some thought…
I haven’t run a super long run on the treadmill in so long…definitely beats getting drowned in the rain!
Is the Followers app free or paid? I follow a lot of accounts that I really have no connection too…I’d love to get rid of a few hundred, haha!
I hope that you can get back to spin class if it won’t aggravate your PF. It’s such a great workout and way easier on the joints than running.
My version of the Followers app is free but you can pay for the premium version as well.
This weather sucks. Nine miles on the treadmill!!! You are badass.
Kudos on a good week of activity.
lol thanks Darlene! I didn’t feel like a badass when I was on the treadmill though, haha
You have the cutest tank tops! I need a pizza one. I took an Instagram break for a few weeks this spring and in that time un-followed (and even blocked) a good number of people. Yeah my numbers took a nosedive but really, who cares. I’d rather have quality over quantity anyway. Thanks for linking!
I think it’s always good to do an IG purge once in a while. My numbers really haven’t changed since January but I’m okay with that. I just really want better engagement with everyone on there.
How can Rainbow Brite not cheer you up? So cute!!! I am trying to embrace spin. I think I would if it had a DJ! Sounds like a great week despite the rain!
Right?! Bright colors always do the trick!
Aww, retiring sneakers always makes me kinda sad. :[ At least they’ve lived a really good life though!
I need to do an IG purge one of these days too!
That’s true! I got a lot of miles out of them.
wow Kim you had a great workout week! and yeah I usually am quite energized at the beginning of the cycle! it’s hard to resist when you feel good enough to do just one more class… the peloton sounds really fun. I don’t think I can get the bike here but I know Dani (you must know Dani? Weight Off My Shoulders?) brought her peloton bike with her when she moved here. I do love going to my spin class though and the latest release is such a killer but I’m actually feeling good about pushing myself.
what’s that instagram followers app that you use? I’m feeling the need to do some culling – social media gets me down sometimes and I want to try to eliminate some of that “noise” that’s creeping in negativity into my head!
I hope you have a better weather week – it’s like hotter than hades or rain – WHAT THE HECK??? Same here by the way!!!
The app I used is called Follwers. It’s free but you can pay if you want to upgrade/get more features. I definitely needed to do a little purge. Yes, IG is frustrating because of the crazy algorithm but I’m trying to see if there are ways that I can make it a little easier to navigate.
Kudos to you for completing your long run on the treadmill. I moved my 16 miler to Friday in order to avoid the bad weather and to avoid the risk of having to run all of those miles on the treadmill. I’m so ready for all of this rain on the weekends to be a thing of the past!
You were so smart to move your long run to Friday! ?At least that way you got it out of the way and you were able to really enjoy your weekend 🙂
So this peloton bike…is that something you have in your house, and you do a virtual workout on it? That sounds interesting! Now that I have more space in my home (switched from an apartment to townhome) I’ve thought of getting an exercise machine of some sort for the house so I can do indoor workouts when its crappy out or I just don’t feel like going outside.
Exactly! The bike is in my house and I do the rides virtually. We have the bike and a treadmill in our basement and both have really come in handy, especially with the brutal winter/snow we had last year.
Great week Kim! 9 miles on the mill?! I don’t know how you did it – I lose my mind after 5 miles on a treadmill! LOL!
LOL, the trick for me is to cover the time on the treadmill and have a killer playlist to get me through everything.