Happy Tuesday! Today we’re talking about 2020 goals. It’s easy to set goals, but how do you achieve those goals? There has to be a certain level of action in order to get those goals accomplished. Here are a few ways I’m planning on achieving my goals this year.
This week’s topic – how are you planning to achieve your 2020 goals? You can write about this, or any other running related topic. Remember to Link-up with Kim and Zenaida and the bottom of this post!
For reference, here are my goals for 2020:
Sharing My Goals
One way for me to stay accountable is to share my goals. You can read all about my 2020 goals here and I also pinned them as a highlight on my Instagram page. I share my goals for two main reasons:
1 – To get support from the online fitness community. I really have a great tribe of online friends and they are always so positive. Their kind words and encouragement keep me going.
2 – To help me stay accountable. When the goals are written there in black and white, it’s hard to ignore them or to “forget” them!
Set smaller monthly goals
I like to chip away slowly at my larger goals by setting monthly goals. This makes the goal more attainable, and less scary.
Mid-Year Check In
Each yeah I do a mid-year check in blog post in July. This is great because I can see how far, or close, I am to achieving my goals. If I’m way off from a goal it’s also a time for me to decide if I should re-adjust that goal or what I can do to kick things up a notch to conquer that goal.
Joining the OTF Transformation Challenge
The transformation challenge will take place at all OTF studios from January 20 – March 15. The winners will be based on the percentage of fat loss at the end of the 8 weeks, but that’s not the goal for me. Because so many OTF members are taking part in this, I’ve been able to join Facebook support groups which is awesome – you know I’m all about the community aspect of fitness! During this challenge, we’re put on teams with a specific coach, so I’m looking forward to getting training and nutrition tips as well. I’m hoping that the momentum from the challenge will carry on throughout the year.
How are you planning to achieve your 2020 goals?
Join the Link-Up!
Topic for next week – What’s on your Winter bucket list?
I’m also linking up with Rachel from Running on Happy and Debbie from Coach Debbie Runs for Coaches’ Corner!
Shathiso says
I love sharing my goals for those exact reasons. I find that if I don’t share, I start to slack. But putting it out there, kind of keeps me at it! And you are so right about the fitness community – have really loved all the encouragement from bloggers and other groups. How many states do you already have of the 25 Half Challenge?
One thing I’d like to add that you do and I’ve never done is that mid-year check in. What an awesome way to see how things are going while you can still change it or make readjustments.
kookyrunner says
Exactly! I need to openly state my goals because I know once they’re out there, there is no turning back, lol!
I have 15 states so far for my 25 state challenge but I’m really struggling on which new states I can do this year.
The mid-year check in is really great to measure your progress!
Shathiso says
Wow! 15/25 so far! You’ve pushed! adding 3 this year would take you even closer. Good luck deciding!
kookyrunner says
Catrina says
Very smart way of achieving your goals, Kim! I think it is very important to break down the goals to monthly ones and then to do a mid-year check-in.
I do something similar with my 90-day goals – every week I check where I am. If something is not working (there always is) then I think about why it’s not working and what I could to make it work.
Good luck to you, Kim! I’m sure you’ll achieve your goals!
kookyrunner says
Thanks Catrina! The monthly goals are super helpful and I’m so glad I started doing them a few years ago.
I like that you do 90 day goals – that’s really a great idea! I have quarterly goals at work, but never thought to do that for my personal life. I like it!
Lisa @ Mile by Mile says
I used to always share my goals and it really is helpful to get that support! This year Im keeping them to myself and I’ll see how that goes. Im just not feeling ready to 100% commit to them publicly. I’m sure I’ll share smaller goals along the way. Your goals for this year sound great and I know you will work hard and have a successful year!
kookyrunner says
Totally understand Lisa – you have to do what feels comfortable for you this year!
Kimberly Hatting says
It’s been so exciting watching you immerse yourself in the OTF classes! I totally wish I had access to that in my little small town dwelling. I’m totally with you on doing monthly goals…they’re a great short-term focus, and usually produce long-term results!
kookyrunner says
Thanks Kim! While I still like running, the passion really hasn’t been there for a while. With OTF I really feel like I’ve found something that I am extremely passionate about. It’s been almost 7 months and I’m still totally in love with it.
Wendy says
These are great goals–I think they are all doable! I’m not sure how you get 600 cals in an OTF class but ti sounds intense!
kookyrunner says
I’m not sure how to do it either, lol! I’ve come very close so I’m just going to keep working hard and hope that it happens.
Judy @ Chocolaterunsjudy says
I bought a new planner this year (well, from a different company — The Clever Fox). The only thing I don’t like about it is it’s BIG, and I usually travel with my planner so I can take notes.
It’s definitely helping to keep me focused on my goals! I do daily, weekly, and monthly goals with it. I pick a primary goal for each day, and that’s really helped me stay focused — there are so MANY things I want to do it’s easy to get distracted.
The OTF Transformation challenge sounds really exciting. I wish it didn’t cost so much — I mean, there’s even one that’s about 5 minutes from my house now! I will have to satisfy myself with following your journey. You’re going to crush it, Kim!
kookyrunner says
I have a big planner that I use to track my blogging and workouts, but I don’t travel with it so it’s okay for now!
Totally agree with you about the cost for OTF – it is expensive so that’s why I try to go at least 4x a week to get the most out of the membership 🙂
Michelle @ Running with Attitude says
You know you and I are on the same page about goal setting. I think putting them out there and having monthly goals are a great way to stay accountable.
You’re going to do great with the Transformation Challenge!
kookyrunner says
Thanks Michelle! I hope that the transformation challenge will be a good experience 🙂
Erica @ Erica Finds says
Wow! I love how specific these goals are. I don’t really have very specific fitness goals this year other than to keep trying new things and to stay healthy for my running. I need to work on it 😉
kookyrunner says
Those sound like perfect goals to me!
Jenn says
I love your smaller monthly goals! What a great way to keep everything manageable!
Today, short of walking again, I have no idea what my goals are. I am scared to make any, just in case I can’t reach them. This is not the way I like to start a year.
kookyrunner says
Thanks Jenn!
I think that it totally makes sense to hold off on planning goals for this year since your first and most important goal is to continue to heal after surgery. That’s a really huge goal honestly!
Deborah @ Confessions of mother runner says
Sounds like you have a great plan in place to start working towards your goals. I will be right behind you pedaling towards those Peloton goals. I agree, having a fitness tribe for support is everything. Thanks for being part of mine
kookyrunner says
I’ve been trying to get in at least one day of Peloton cycle classes a week but I’ll probably need to increase that if I’m going to hit 300 rides this year!
Beckett @ Birchwood Pie says
Your monthly goals are so well laid out – anyone can have goals but you have a PLAN. It’s a lot easier to go somewhere when you have a map:-)
kookyrunner says
Thanks! I’m very type A so I’m all about planning lol
Sandra Laflamme says
Having accountability with OTF is great and love that you do a midyear check in. I still need to set my 2020 goals lol. I have a few but have been sidetracked by a flooded basement so haven’t given it that much thought yet.
kookyrunner says
So sorry to hear about your basement 🙁 I went through that a few years ago, but on the plus side, it gave me a kick in the butt to throw stuff out/donate items lol
Nicole Drinkwater says
I love that you not only have goals, but also that you have actionable steps in place to achieve them. I have no doubt you’re going to hit them all!
kookyrunner says
Thanks so much Nicole!
Rachel says
I LOVE how into OTF you are. I haven’t been yet. I know, I know. I really should go. It does look like so much fun!! You KNOW I’ll be rooting you on all year and every year. <3
kookyrunner says
Thanks! Sometimes I surprise myself with how much I love it, but I’ve always been into strength training. The classes combine two of my favorite things – running and weights – so I guess it’s no surprise why I fell in love with it instantly, lol.
Debbie says
Aside from training for and running my 39th and 40th marathon, I don’t have a lot of fitness goals for 2020. Well except for the usual: more yoga and more self-care. My 2020 goals are more about professional goals.
kookyrunner says
Running your 40th marathon in 2020 is a pretty big goal!!
Angela Campos says
I am loving these goals! I especially like the running goal… I need to line up some for the New Year!!!
kookyrunner says
Thanks Angela!
Zenaida Arroyo says
Join me in one of my half marathons. I like the idea of a midyear check in. I also plan to do that to see how I am doing and if I need to adjust them.
kookyrunner says
Yeah I was actually thinking about that! I need to look at your lists to see which ones you’re doing
San says
The best way to achieve goals is to set them and then tell people about them! 🙂
kookyrunner says
I totally agree with that!