Happy Tuesday! I hope that everyone had a great weekend. I also just wanted to take this time to thank everyone that has linked up with us so far this year. We’ve been doing this new link up for a few months and I have really enjoyed reading all of your posts based on our Tuesday Topics!
This week’s Tuesday Topic: Are you a solo or group runner? You can write about this topic, or feel free to post any running related blog post. Remember to Link-up with Kim and Zenaida and the bottom of this post!
I am a fan of both solo and group running. I don’t like one over the other because they each give me something different.
Why I like group running
Running with a group, big or small, offers me a sense of security. This is super important, especially when running early in the morning or late at night. While you should always run with something for protection (mace, etc), running with at least one other person is always a good thing.

My Saturday morning run crew!
I also appreciate running with a group for my long runs. In my current Black Girls Run! group, I’ve been the only one training for a marathon. While I did some miles solo, it was also nice to run at least half of the miles with other people. I never chit chat while running , but just knowing that someone else is near is always a comfort.
Why I like solo running
I’m not great at pacing, especially when starting a run. This doesn’t bother me when I am running solo since my “all-over-the-place” paces won’t affect anyone else but me. Sometimes when I run with a group I worry the my pace is too slow, so when I run solo I can just focus on the miles vs the pace.
I also do some of my best thinking when I run solo. It’s the oddest thing but I swear I can solve the world’s problems after a long run and a good playlist, lol.
Are you a solo or group runner?
Join the Link-Up!
Topic for next week – What are your tips for surviving your first {pick a distance}?
We hope you’ll link up with us!
I’m also linking up with Marc from Train With Marc and Debbie from Coach Debbie Runs for Coaches’ Corner!
I don’t do much group running (doesn’t work well with my early morning routine), but I do enjoy a lot of runs with Barb. Sometimes the hubby joins us LOL I also enjoy solo runs, too.Like you, I feel like I can solve a lot of problems (or at least analyze said problems to death) and find a lot insight as to why they exist LOL
I guess we do our best thinking on solo runs to take our minds off the fact that we’re running, lol.
I do both group and solo runs. Tuesday nights are running club night. In the spring and fall, we meet at a restaurant, run from there, then go in for drinks and dinner afterward. In the summer, we meet at a club member’s home. I look forward to the run and party we have each week. I used to do the majority of my runs alone, but now I do them with my hubby. We don’t usually talk too much, so I can still let my thoughts wander and solve all my problems out there on the roads!
I always love when you can add a social aspect to running, like getting drinks or dinner. It always gives you something to look forward to during the run!
I think for different reasons, I am much like you.
Unfortunately I rarely find runners who run my pace in a group — I wish I did!
Same for me in terms of pace when running in a group.
Right now I can usually keep up with some women for about 1-2 miles but then I fall behind, lol.
I am honestly a little of both and can appreciate things about both ways of running! 🙂 I’m with you on solving the world’s problems with a good playlist!
Good music makes me so productive!
I like both also! I tend to do my weekday runs on my own and do one of my weekend runs with friends. I feel like I get the best of both worlds that way 🙂 My favorite thing with running with people is that we can explore trails that might feel a bit too remote for me to feel comfortable doing on my own.
That’s pretty much how my schedule is too – solo runs during the week and group run on the weekend!
Interesting post and interesting question. I am a solo runner. I know that we can improve our speed if we run in group but I want to be free to run when and where I want, the distance I prefer and at my pace.
Now it’s a choice before it was a necessity because I did my workouts in early morning before going to my office.
That’s very true. When I was training for a half marathon with a group, my speed did increase.
I didn’t think about the safety in numbers factor when running. Good point! You’re fortunate to have that group of women to run with on Saturday mornings.
I totally agree and am very thankful for my Saturday run crew!
I love the peace and thinking of a solo run and the fun and joy and companionship of a group – I like a small group of 5 to 8 best, and yes, in marathon training, where no one doing the distance is as slow as me / no one as slow as me wants to go that far, I enjoy having my tag teams of one or up to five people coming with me for different bits of my run. I also like running with just one or two other people and putting the world to rights, giggling over things we see, showing people the underside of the motorway flyover, etc!
I agree – I also prefer a small group vs a large group.
I never thought I’d enjoy group runs, but I love it when an MRTT group run works out. I usually run solo, though — or with Scooby. I love being able to do my own thing, but having a friend to do long runs with is fantastic.
Most of my runs during the week are solo so I get used doing my own thing!
I like running by myself. I love getting lost in my music; I solve the world’s problems on my runs. It’s hard to run someone else’s pace. I will run with a group or a friend, but I definitely love solo running.
That’s the one thing I always struggle with when running a group – the pace. Now it seems like my pace doesn’t match up with others.
They both have their perks but I prefer solo running. It’s my me time!
I do like solo runs for that reason!
Like you, I like both running alone or with a group. I do usually run alone (or with my husband) and I agree, running can really help solve the world’s problems. Maybe we should send our government on a run!
Yes! More politicians need to run, maybe it will help them get rid of their stupidity and childlike behavior!
Mostly I run solo, but I love running with friends too! There’s a special bond between a running group.
I agree with the special bond. Also I like it when you can run with a group and then socialize after by grabbing coffee or brunch.
I love that you mention reasons for both. I guess for me I’ve been running alone for about 2 years that now I wouldn’t how how to run with a group. Sounds silly, I know.
Doesn’t sound silly at all! It definitely takes time to find the right group to run with.
I do most of my runs by myself. I’ve moved to being a morning runner (running before teaching) and I don’t know too many souls who would want to do that with me 🙂
Early morning running can be rough!
I probably prefer running on my own because then if I’m not feeling well I can adjust as needed. In the past, I’ve had a lot of stomach issues while running (fun fact, couldn’t burp until a year ago when I had a procedure done to fix it!) so if I felt nauseous I could always stop. But running with a group is always so fun. Groups have always pushed me more and I love the camaraderie. I’m actually thinking of joining a group in my area soon!
Oh wow! I am happy that you had that procedure done so that now your runs feel much better.
I am in the middle of this conundrum. I’d planned it as the lede for Run Down but maybe I’ll get it together for a Tuesday Topics tomorrow
I’m like you, up sides to both. I don’t mind solo miles but I like the company making long runs go more quickly element
Yup, the long runs that I do completely solo seem to take forever!