Happy Tuesday! It’s time for another edition of Tuesday Topics. This week’s Tuesday Topic: What quotes of affirmations do you use to get through a hard run?. Remember to link-up with Kim and Zenaida and the bottom of this post.
I’ll be the first to admit that up until a few years ago, I didn’t really believe in the power of motivational quotes or affirmations. I didn’t have anything against them, I just didn’t think they would work for me personally. My outlook on this definitely changed around mid-2020 when I started using Peloton more often. The instructors, especially Jess Sims, really spoke to me with their motivational quotes. Here are a few of my favorites:
Alex Toussiant
Inhale confidence. Exhale doubt.
Allow yourself the opportunity to get uncomfortable.
You’re not smiling? Fix your face. You woke up
Cody Rigsby
If cauliflower can be pizza, you can be anything you want.
It ain’t that deep.
Love yourself with your whole ass. None of this half-ass self-love.
Jess Sims
How you do anything, is how you do everything.
You’re allowed to be a work in progress and a masterpiece at the same damn time.
You don’t have to, you get to.
(By far, this is my favorite one because I can apply it to literally anything, not just running or working out)
Matty Maggiacomo
Inhale the good shit. Exhale the bullshit.
Robin Arzon
You did not wake up to be mediocre.
You’ve made it through 100% of your bad days.
Know your worth, then add tax.
These are a few additional, non-Peloton quotes/affirmations that I love as well:
Progress over perfection.
You didn’t get this far to only get this far.
Consistency is key.
Comparison is the thief of joy.
Acknowledge the fear and do it anyway.
Never easy, always worth it.
We can do hard things.
Your mind is your strongest muscle.
Practice makes permanent.
Tell me: What quotes of affirmations do you use?
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Topic for next week – Share your Fall race schedule. We hope you’ll link up with us!
It’s funny you mention Peloton instructors. When I used to run with them I often stopped to write down one of their tips of wisdom.
I often repeat during a race: never easy but always worth it.
The Peloton instructors are great for those random nuggets of wisdom, lol.
That’s a great collection of quotes. Peloton instructors are highly motivational. I tried very hard to say only positive things to myself at my last marathon when things got tough. I’ve always been a bit tough on myself and although my race didn’t end up like I had hoped, I think a positive attitude made a big difference after I crossed the finish line. I like to keep reminding myself that I can do hard things!
Positive self talk is so key, especially during a marathon!
Oh, I like the one „How you do anything, is how you do everything“.
It’s so true and applies to many areas in life, also to work situations.
I’ll remember that one for my next training session. Thanks, Kim!
That’s one of my favorites – it always reminds me not to slack on my home workouts. Just because no one is looking, doesn’t mean I should take the easy way out!
I love all these quotes! I’m glad you have them all here, in one place 😉 Alex T has some really powerful sayings…I am looking forward to “riding” with him again (probably sooner than I want with the cooling temps, LOL).
AT has the best quotes! This post is so timely because Peloton posted a video today with AT, Ashton Kutcher and Chris Paul and they are discussing this subject, lol.
I like “You don’t have to, you get to.” Yes, it can be applied to so much in life! I’m also laughing over “love yourself with your whole ass.” This is a great selection of quotes! Glad to see my fave Matty made your list : )
My absolute favorite affirmation from my favorite instructor!
I love all of these quotes Kim! I’m going to use this one from here on, “You didn’t wake up to be mediocre” – this fits in with how I’ve been feeling about my running lately.
That’s a really good one!
Oh I love me some mottos and affirmations. How we talk to ourselves is such an important piece of our mindsets!
Peloton has some really great affirmations. A couple you haven’t mentioned are “work hard, train smart, and always have fun”, “forward is a pace“ and “ What you do when no one’s looking is who you really are ”.
100%! When I find myself having negative thoughts about my body, etc, I remember to flip that around to positive affirmations. It really does change my entire mood.
I love the additional affirmations you mentioned as well!
well you know I love the Peloton motivation! I also like- stop when you’re done not when you’re tired.
Those are some great ones and most of my favorites. I really like “you have made it through 100% of your bad days” because it helps keep them in perspective.
I really like that one!
These are great! I did laugh when I read the last one from Cody. There is another one from Matty that I like but for the life of me cannot remember the exact words, but it goes something along the lines of thinking of something that you want and you will get it.
Cody has a great mix of serious and funny ones, lol.
“You get to” is such a mindset shifter and you know I love Matty’s “Exhale the bullshit”
Also a fan of Selena’s “Just because someone gives you a cactus doesn’t mean you have to sit on it.” but they’re all really food.
I had the college dorm posters of them but never really believed either if that makes sense
Ohh I like that line from Selena! I don’t take her classes often so I didn’t know about that one.