Happy Tuesday! It’s time for another edition of Tuesday Topics. This week’s Tuesday Topic: If you had a free entry to any of the World Major Marathons, which one would you pick?
Even though my marathon days are behind me, I think about the World Major Marathons often. I never had a goal to run all the the WMM races, but I have done two of the races (NYC and Chicago).
There are six World Marathon Majors races:
Bank of America Chicago Marathon
BMW Berlin Marathon
Boston Marathon
TCS New York City Marathon
TCS London Marathon
Tokyo Marathon
If I had a free race entry I would without a doubt choose to do the TCS London Marathon. I entered the lottery several times but never got selected – but no surprise as it’s a very hard race to get into via the lottery.
I visited London for work several years ago and I really, really enjoyed it. I was there for work so I didn’t have too much free time to do a lot of exploring, but I loved what I was able to fit in!
It would be amazing to visit London again and run the marathon to see even more of the city. I also know several people that have run the race and they all speak very highly of it.
Another reason I would want to run the London race? I want to buy more chocolate from the UK, lol. When my former co-worker would visit from the UK, she would always bring over a variety of chocolates and they were SO delicious!
Tell me: If you had a free entry, which World Marathon Majors race would you select?
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Topic for next week – Share a day in your life.
Wendy says
I would do Boston. The Boston Marathon is the only ‘bucket lister’ that I haven’t run. I wish they didn’t require qualifying for it!
kookyrunner says
Boston would definitely be a great race to do!
Jenny says
I’ve also run NYC and Chicago! Like Wendy, I would choose Boston. Of course, I would happily take an entry to any of them- they would all be an incredible experience!
kookyrunner says
Very true – I think any of the races would be amazing, but I will say that NYC has a special place in my heart because it was my first marathon.
Darlene says
Boston because I’ll never get in.
Catrina says
Oh, I would want to do the London one as well. I also tried to get in this year but didn’t succeed. In hindsight, that was actually a good thing with all the Achilles stuff going on.
Why do you say your marathon days are over? You are very capable of completing many!
Cari says
London absolutely.
I love the city. I wish I’d been a runner when I lived in japan. Tokyo wasn’t a WMM then, but it would have been fun. Others just don’t really appeal, besides NYC of course.
Honestly London and Marine Corps are the only two I’d do if I did another
Zenaida Arroyo says
Wait, no more marathons for you? I picked Boston but London is also on my list (#3).
Renée @runlaugheatpie says
100% Tokyo, because it would be an absolute dream trip!