Happy Tuesday! It’s time for another edition of Tuesday Topics. This week’s Tuesday Topic: What are five words you would use to describe yourself?. Remember to link-up with Kim and Zenaida and the bottom of this post.
This is a fun topic, but also hard because how do you narrow down five words to describe yourself? Here are the five words I picked.
Definition: having a formal organization or structure, especially to coordinate or carry out for widespread activities
This was the first word that came to mind when picking my five words. I absolutely cannot function in chaos so I am pretty organized in all areas of my life. Of course you can’t plan out everything and sometimes things come up, which is totally fine, but I do like to have things planned as much as possible.
Definition: providing fun; causing amusement or laughter; amusing; comical
Now, more than ever, I’m thankful for my sense of humor. The world has felt really heavy for a while now so if I can provide a few laughs, it makes me feel great. I’m a firm believer that you should laugh at least once a day.
Definition: a feeling of deep sympathy and sorrow for another who is stricken by misfortune, accompanied by a strong desire to alleviate the suffering
I’m not an overly emotional person (rarely cry, etc) but I do consider myself to be a compassionate person. I feel like volunteering is in my DNA so I love to give back when I can. Also, there’s so many people suffering in the world, and I feel fortunate to have the resources that I do, so it’s only right to give back.
Definition: that may be relied on or trusted; dependable in achievement, accuracy, honesty, etc
I asked my three closest friends to pick a few words to describe me and they all said reliable. I’ll admit that hearing this made me feel good because I love the fact that they know I am dependable and will be there for them, no matter what they need.
Definition: possessing or exhibiting energy, especially in abundance; vigorous
Don’t get me wrong, I know when to slow down and relax, but 9 times out of 10 you’ll find me doing something – exercising, working, cooking, writing, grocery shopping, cleaning, etc. I don’t really like to have too much idle time, so you’ll often find me moving around like the Energizer Bunny, lol.
Tell me: What are five words you would use to describe yourself?
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Topic for next week – Would you rather do a short or long run?
Such a fun topic!!! I’d have a hard time narrowing it down but probably I’d pick: caring, stubborn, driven, funny, and critical. Lol
I like the five words that you picked to describe yourself!
Awesome words , Kim, and quite appropriate:-) Although I highlighted different words, I also shared “caring” for myself….but I think the other words are significant in my life as well 🙂 This was a tough challenge!
You’re right – such a tough challenge to narrow it down to just 5 words.
I am not energetic. I totally wish I was! I’ve worked hard to overcome my slower? nature (couldn’t really think of a good word), but I still can easily slow down (so to speak).
Compassionate, LOL! Yes! I was raised by a rather stoic mom (who was raised by a stoic mom), although my Dad was the kind of person who wore his heart on his sleeve. I take more after my mom. I don’t cry often either. I would even say that I’m very empathetic, and that can actually be draining at times.
Humor definitely comes to mind for you, Kim, and I thank you for that! I have a tendency to be a little too serious.
You are definitely empathetic – and you’re so right, it can be draining at times for sure.
I can tell from your blog that you are organized (such a clean and tidy look!) and reliable (every Tuesday you’re hosting us!)
Although I don’t comment, I always read everyone’s weekly wrap, and I appreciate your memes – you do like to make people laugh!
Your insane number of workouts speak for themselves – I think even the energizer bunny couldn’t keep up with you.
Here are three words to describe myself: enthusiastic, resourceful and goal-oriented. I’m sure Kai could think of more, but they wouldn’t be so flattering! 🙂
Thanks Catrina! I kind of just started sharing memes on my WRD posts by accident but now it’s an every week thing, lol.
I love the words that you used to describe yourself!
Great topic. I’ll try this one later.
You picked great words. I may pick similar ones so I think we would get along well.
It’s a fun topic, but always hard to narrow it down to 5 words.
Wait, you forgot “kooky.” Just kidding. From what I know of you from this blog, these are accurate words to describe you! Hope your week is going well.
Hahaha good point Jenny!
I think some of our words would definitely be the same! Those words describe you very well. I would say humor is a top one for me because it has helped me get through tough times. Although sometimes it’s dark humor but I cling to it whenever I can lol.
I agree – humor was a huge reason I got through 2020, that’s for sure.
this is fun! I definitely know you are funny and organized. Being a reliable friend is an amazing asset
Thanks Deborah!
This is a great topic and I am glad we picked it again for this year. I love your words.
I love the words you picked!
This was a great idea for a post…though I runfess I couldn’t come up with five words to describe myself. Why is it always easier to describe someone else vs. yourself? 🙂
Thanks! Always hard to come up with 5 words but those were the ones that really spoke to me.