Happy Tuesday! It’s time for another edition of Tuesday Topics. This week’s Tuesday Topic: FREE topic!. Remember to link-up with Kim and Zenaida and the bottom of this post.
Today I’m going to discuss solo vs. group running. I am a fan of both solo and group running. Although I haven’t run with a group in over two years, I’m still a fan of both solo and group running because they each give me something different.
Why I like group running
Running with a group, big or small, offers me a sense of security. This is super important, especially when running early in the morning or late at night. While you should always run with something for protection (mace, etc), running with at least one other person is always a good thing.
I will also appreciate running with a group when I get back to doing long runs. I never chit chat while running , but just knowing that someone else is near is always a comfort.
Why I like solo running
I’m not great at pacing, especially when starting a run. This doesn’t bother me when I am running solo since my “all-over-the-place” paces won’t affect anyone else but me. Sometimes when I run with a group I worry the my pace is too slow, so when I run solo I can just focus on the miles vs the pace.
I also do some of my best thinking when I run solo. It’s the oddest thing but I swear I can solve the world’s problems after a long run and a good playlist, lol.
Are you a solo or group runner?
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Topic for next week – What is your favorite race medal and why?
Kimberly Hatting says
I agree, both solo running & group running have their benefits. I also enjoy both for the same reasons you mentioned. I appreciate the solo runs, also, for the discipline it builds from getting out there on my own. That said, I’m a social gal, and it’s fun to chat with others while in motion 🙂
kookyrunner says
I appreciate the solo runs when I just need to get it done before work lol.
Darlene says
Definitely do both and both have their benefits as you pointed out.
I prefer group runs because I will push myself. And for long runs it’s essential for enjoyment.
kookyrunner says
That’s so true about group runs – my average pace always ends up being faster when I do group runs.
Catrina says
I love group runs – they pass by so much quicker than the solo runs. Most of the time, I run in our mini-group consisting of Kai and myself. Funnily enough, we hardly talk when we run.
Are you thinking of getting back to doing long runs? Are you planning a race?
kookyrunner says
I’m planning on getting back to racing next year – right now I’m enjoying short runs but in the Fall I will probably try to do longer runs when possible. I will have to go very slow with ramping up the mileage lol.
Chocolaterunsjudy says
I’m a lot like you, Kim; I enjoy both. It’s not always easy to find runners who match your pace — or your running style! I have one friend who used to say that if you have to walk, you’re running too fast. Now she uses run/walk. But not everyone likes that!
I think we all think great things when we allow ourselves to run alone — undistracted. The problem is remembering them! Or maybe that’s just me. 🙂
kookyrunner says
Very true about finding runners that are around your pace – that has always been my biggest issue with groups.
Shathiso says
Before the pandemic, I was a bit of both. But most of my runs have been solo the last two years and I’m actually nervous about getting back to group running! Not the virus aspect, more the social side of it – social anxiety I guess from being a “recluse” for this long! LOL.
kookyrunner says
My previous running group pretty much disbanded during the pandemic with some members moving away, some had babies and some aren’t running anymore, so I will have to find a whole new crew when I start group running again.
Wendy says
I’m definitely more a fan of solo running, but as you know I’ve been joining some of my fellow trail sisters for group runs. I don’t mind that as much because we are moving slower and it doesn’t tax me as much to talk. But on the pavement, i need to focus, lol
kookyrunner says
I can totally see how running on the trails with a group is fun, and it sounds like you found an awesome group of women to run with!
Jenny says
That’s so weird Kim because I was just thinking about this subject on my run today. I run 99.9% of my runs solo (that extra .1 comes from the rare times when my husband and I run together.) i’m definitely in the minority amongst the blogging community- most people run at least some of their runs with another runner or a group, It’s just easier for me, schedule-wise to run by myself. i used to do long runs with people, but nowadays I just love that feeling of setting off by myself, with my gels and a podcast, for a solo adventure.
You never know- things in my life will definitely change at some point and I might become a group runner!
kookyrunner says
I totally understand what you mean – I feel like since I’ve been working from home, my schedule had changed a bit so it’s just easier for me to run solo.
Virjinia @ With Purpose and Kindness says
I agree with both points! Group runs helped me on my longer runs and I love talking to help me keep pace lol. Solo runs are great when I’m up in the morning and just want to be done with it!
Zenaida Arroyo says
I am a solo runner. Most of my runs are easy and short. However, once I start the “real” training for my 50k I might look into running with a group. I need all of the support and motivation.
kookyrunner says
for a 50K, I think group runs could totally be beneficial!
Deborah Brooks says
I run with at least 1 other person 90% of the time. I love to chat! No surprise there and I love the company. During covid, my runs with friends seemed like a life line that I desperately needed.
kookyrunner says
Running with others is such a great way to make friends, especially in the running community, so I can definitely see the appeal of it.
Jessie says
Definitely a fan of both! In the early morning, it helps me to have someone to meet. I also consider Ruth (my dog) company and sometimes like to bring her vs. being totally solo, but there are days when I really just want to run alone! A bit of everything for me. Some of my best friends are ones I made through running; you share so much over a 3+ hour long run!
kookyrunner says
There’s so many advantages to both!