Happy Sunday and Happy Cinco de Mayo! How are you celebrating today? I’ll be enjoying some tacos and a drink later on tonight for dinner. Also today is day number…well actually, I lost count of how many days of rain in a row we’ve had lately. Today the weatherman said it has rained 25 of the last 35 days here. I would appreciate some sunshine at any day now!
This week was a little…weird. My allergies were probably the worst they have been in a long time and I felt like a zombie most of the week. Luckily I was able to get in a good amount of workouts but I’m hoping that I start to feel more normal next week.
Here’s how my workouts went this week:
Monday, April 29
Rest Day.
Although I really wanted to workout, DOMS and allergies got the best of me. However, I did put my name in the lottery for the 2020 London Marathon. Wish me luck – I’ll find out if I’m in or out in October ๐

My yearly tradition, LOL
Tuesday, April 30
3 mile run + strength training (20 minutes).
Although I was still dealing with DOMS, my legs felt good enough to run. I also closed out the month with 56 miles.
I also completed the Peloton Spring Launch Challenge (do one class daily for the month of April). I love these challenges because I get to do a mix of classes – spinning, running, strength training, meditation and stretching.

Wednesday, May 1
Strength Training (60 minutes) + 1 mile walk.
I didn’t go to the gym for boot camp, but I still got in a great workout. My arms were still sore the next day.

That was hard!
I also started the BibRave Run Streak – run or walk at least 1 mile every day in May.
Thursday, May 2
3 mile run.
This was probably day 4 or 5 of no relief from my allergies so I just did what I could do. I wanted a longer run but settled for 3 miles.
Friday, May 3
Rest Day, but I did complete a 1 mile walk for the run streak.
Saturday, May 4
10 mile run.
I totally procrastinated on Saturday morning but eventually got this run done!
Sunday, May 5
Spinning (60 minutes) + 1 mile walk.
My first time at the gym this week. Spinning was just what my legs needed after yesterday’s long run.

How cute is this shirt?
Total Weekly Mileage: 16 miles
Summary: 3 runs, 1 spinning class and 2 strength training workouts
Grade This Week โ B+
I would have liked to get in more strength training this week but I’m happy with what I was able to get accomplished. As I mentioned earlier, my allergies were pretty awful. I don’t really wear makeup but had to this week so that I could look somewhat normal at work. I’m hoping that my daly combination of Flonase, eye drops and Zyrtec will eventually help. I’m also drinking Nettle tea and tons of water to keep my histamines in order. Eventually somethings gotta give, right?
I also took a break from my tabata training this week. Those spin classes are intense and I need to be 100% to make sure I’m giving them my all. I will resume the training next week.
This week I started looking at how many states I have left until I finish my 25 State Challenge. I’d like to see if I can finish the challenge in 4 years. I already have a list of some races I would like to do so now it’s just all about planning.I think I’ll be able to accomplish this goal in the timeframe I set.
That’s it! I hope you had a great week ๐
Iโm linking up with Deborah and Kim for the Weekly Run Down.
In Case You Missed It
Tuesday Topics: Delaware Marathon Running Festival (Half Marathon) Race Recap
Join Me for April Runfessions
Ugh…sorry the allergies have been so bad. I’m glad those days are behind me; I have nothing but miserable memories of those days before my shots. Do you need to check Iowa off from that list of states? If so, we need to chat!!! Although I’m not officially registered for the 1-mile /day streak, I’m essentially doing it. I’m definitely not running every day, but I do walk every day. Hope you get some relief from the allergies AND all that rain. Thanks for linking with us, #KimTwin ๐
I may eventually need to get the allergy shots because I really don’t want to continue dealing with this forever especially if it’s going to be this bad!
I am thinking of including Iowa on my list – I will definitely be coming to you for suggestions! ๐
Yes! Rain rain, go away! Best Cinco de Mayo ever for me was the day I did Flying Pig in Cleveland. It was POURING by the end of the race (which turned out to be good, because post-race festivities were canceled; there was a gunman looking for the RD who got caught at the post-race festival site). I loved Flying Pig and hubby and I went to a great little restaurant afterward. Turned out to be really fun. Sorry for the ramble!
Good luck with the 2020 London Marathon lottery. Hope you get in!
OMG that Flying Pig Marathon story sounds nuts! What a crazy marathon experience and I’m glad everything turned out okay!
Last week was extremely rainy here too. We are so flooded and there are 5 more days of rain on tap this week. When will it end?? I had a breakfast burrito in honor of Cinco de Mayo. Fingers and toes crossed for you in your bid for London!
Great idea on having a breakfast burrito yesterday – I should have done that after I got back form the gym!
Shouldn’t the rain help with your allergies? So unfair! Great job on your workouts. With that 10 mile long run, are you training for something?
In the past the rain helped with my allergies but for some reason it made them worse last week – go figure!
I’m training for a half marathon on May 26, so I still have a few weeks, but wanted to make sure I got in at least one double digit run
Great job on your workouts. Here, in middle Italy, rain and rain too, but I always find the time to run.
Sorry for your allergies. I feel like you for the same reasons. Yesterday I entered a race and the night before I took a pill for the allergies, I didn’t know the collateral effects and the experience was very bad.
I definitely have to take allergy medication before I do any outdoor activity around here. It just seems like the pollen, and everything else, is super high here.
I’m so sorry about the allergies; they are such a misery! You sure got in a lot of workouts despite them.
Good luck with London! Very exciting.This running boom is good — and bad! So hard to get into so many races. And don’t even get me started on the incessant cold rain . . .
I agree! I love that so man people are now more interested in running, but it definitely makes it harder to get into the races.
Congrats on 56 miles in April. I have never entered the London Marathon Lottery. Crossing my fingers for you and hoping you get in this time!
Thanks so much Sandra!
The last week was terrible for allergies! I always think the rain will knock it out but it just keeps on coming. I am not sneezing this year but I keep getting horrible sinus headaches. I have not tried any of the Peloton ST workouts yet but when I am on travel next week that is my plan. Another strong week for you!
Right?! The rain absolutely didn’t give me a lot of relief. Today it’s not raining and I feel fine, lol
I so feel your pain with all this rain! It’s too bad the rain’s not at least giving you a break on your allergies ๐
I threw my name for London too as the race lines up with a trip my husband needs to make for work next year. Total long shot but I figured, why not.
That’s great that you’re making progress on the 25 state challenge! I bet it takes a lot of planning to fit it all in!
It’s so odd because normally the rain does give me some relief but it seems to have made it worse last week – very bizarre. Today it’s not raining and I feel fine, lol.
I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you for London – how cool would it be if we both got in?!?!
Girl, if you can get all that done WITH crippling allergies, you are clearly unstoppable when they’re not flaring. Dang!
Amazing week – great job getting it all done! And yes, that shirt is adorable!
Thanks so much Jenn! It was rough but today already seems to be much better – fingers crossed that it lasts!
Good luck with London! Boo to the allergies. You would think they would have been better given all the rain. I had a really hard time with my breathing on my Saturday run, maybe that was why. The allergies have been so bad this year that I think I didn’t even notice “worse.”
Thanks! I mean, London has to let me in eventually right? LOL
considering your allergies, you still got some good workouts in! i was going to say the same as Coco – shouldn’t they be less with all that friggin rain???
I signed up for my yearly tradition too! Looking forward to cancelling my hotel reservation again in October! LOL!!
by the way, are you going to do the 5K in Chicago? Just curious. I signed up for it last week.
Yes! Usually the rain helps but not last week for some reason. It was all very odd, but today is going much better so I’m hoping that continues all week!
My mom and I are both signed up for the Chicago 5K. So happy you’re doing it too – I need to ask Michelle if she is signed up too.
Whoo hoo – maybe we’ll do London together next year, right??!!!
My husband told me all about linked up spin classes you can do on your own spin bike at home, all full of the info and I was like, “I know”. Ha!
I’ll keep my fingers crossed for both of us!
Way to keep moving through allergies! We’re getting rain all this week so I’m sure I’ll be getting most of my miles on the treadmill lol. Way to finish the Spring Launch Challenge and can’t wait to hear about your next races for your states challenge!
I was on the treadmill for most of my runs last week – just trying to avoid the outdoors and all the pollen, lol.
Oh, I hope you get some allergy relief! Sounds terrible.
I like this Mile a Day challenge! It seems like you are enjoying being a Bib Rave pro!
Fingers crossed on the lottery! I would love to follow you experience there, it’s one of my favorite marathons!
Thanks Jessie. This week is going better, thank goodness. Hopefully the worst of the allergies is now over.
I’m enjoying being a BibRave Pro so far – such an awesome community of runners!
Thanks for the well wishes for London – I hope that I’ll get in via the lottery ๐
Good luck in the London lottery! Crossing my fingers you get selected.
How fun about the BibRave Run Streak. I decided not to do it after all.
Great job on your April mileage!
Thanks! I’ll be keeping my fingers crossed for London until I hear back in October lol
We have had so much rain here too! Ugh, just need a little sun… I would love to do the London marathon!! I’m going to enter too if it’s not too late!!
It seems like it’s raining everywhere lately!
Allergies got me down and out for a while earlier this year! We got hit HARD in Feb!
Hope you make it into the 2020 London! That would be so fun!
Great work this week despite DOMS and your allergies!
Haha, that sign about just do it later is funny!
No matter what, you are still moving and grooving!
Oh wow, that’s crazy that you got hit so hard in February with allergies!
Oops, I missed this one. The allergies and rain have been ridiculous but the one rain upside is dampening the pollen
But yes, lovely weather if you’re a duck
I will say that last week my allergies were way worse when we had all the rain but this week they have been more manageable even though we haven’t had so much rain – very odd!