Happy 1st Monday of April! I had a great birthday weekend that included running the Hot Chocolate 15K in Philadelphia (recap coming soon)! Today’s #MusicMonday post is all about Lil Jon (YEEAAHH)!
If you want music with a hot beat, then you need to download songs by Lil Jon, also known as the King of Crunk. I don’t even know how many of his songs I have on my iPod, but I do know that my mood instantly changes as soon as a Lil Jon song comes on my playlist. It’s just something about crunk music that gives you that extra push when you need it!
I’m not gonna lie – sometimes you just need some ratchet music to get through a run, especially a long run. I’ll just preface this post by saying the following songs are probably not the most “wholesome”. If you have virgin ears, brace yourself, LOL.
*This is the remix version, but if you want the original version, click here.
*This is the remix (can you tell I’m a fan of remix versions?!), but for the original click here.
Lil Jon is also featured on a bunch of other great songs, so I may do another #MusicMonday about songs featuring Lil Jon 🙂
Do you have a favorite Lil Jon song?
It’s so funny when you hear music on the radio and then you download the unsensored version. When I run on the trails near my house, I listen to the music on my phone without the ear buds and am always trying to quickly turn it down when I pass people, especially if they have kids with them! It is so fun though to rock your run with fast paced music! Fun post 🙂
LoL I can imagine trying to quickly turn down the music when people pass! I usually try to find the “clean” versions but some times they are unavailable.
Oh man! I totally forgot about Bia Bia!! Love this song!
An old song but definitely still a good one!
I’ve only heard Turn Down for What, but I think Outta Your Mind will fit nicely with my mental toughness marathon training playlist! LOL! These are definitely party songs…Fun!
I think good songs help to keep running fun!