Happy Sunday. Well we made it 5 days into 2021 before dealing with another crazy event. I still have high hopes for 2021 but it’s definitely not starting off that great. I hope that everyone is finding positive ways to deal with all of the turmoil in this country. For me, that means continuing with my workouts since it’s my biggest stress reliever. We’ll get through this but it’s going to take a lot of time and patience.
Here’s how my workouts went this week:
Monday, January 4
Peloton Full Body Tread Bootcamp 2/10/20 – Rebecca (45 minutes)
Peloton Ministry of Sound Ride 10/21/20 – Ben (20 minutes)
One of my Instagram friends recommended this tread bootcamp because of the great playlist and she was absolutely right! It was a great way to start off my week and it was my 75th Tread Bootcamp class (I didn’t realize until after the class was over, lol). I followed that class up with an easy 20 minute ride to flush out my legs. I had been sleeping in a little bit over the Christmas break since my work schedule was more flexible but now I’m back to the early morning grind.
Tuesday, January 5
Orangetheory Fitness – Strength (45 minutes)
Peloton Tim Bendzko Ride 11/20/20 – Irene (30 minutes)
Peloton Core Strength 5/23/19 – Jess (10 minutes)
I didn’t have any afternoon video calls for work so I decided to take a lunchtime OTF class. It’s nice when I can just shower and work the rest of the afternoon in a sweatshirt π It was technically a strength class but felt more like an endurance class because of the run/row block. On the floor we were encouraged to grab heavy weights for the sumo squats and the whole class ended up with PRs! I tapped out at the 40 lb weight for the goblet squats, but I think I can go heavier next time. The Peloton ride was different as I have never heard of the artist before but it wasn’t awful and the core strength class was intense – my abs were on fire after!

Squad Goals!
Wednesday, January 6
Orangetheory Fitness – Power (45 minutes)
Peloton Pentatonix Ride 12/13/20 – Christine (45 minutes)
Peloton Core Strength 11/19/20 – Jess (5 minutes)
Peloton Year of Yes Walk + Run 12/29/20 – Jess (20 minutes)
My legs were sore from all the squats and legwork the previous day but I still had a great time in class. I alternate between power and strength days being my favorite types of OTF workouts. The ride was not great..I’ll just leave it at that, but the core workout was a beast! I needed to get in more steps for the day so I did the 20 minute walk + run class during my lunch break but I walked the whole class – I did enough running in OTF class that morning, lol.
Thursday, January 7
Peloton Walk + Run 7/10/19 – Jess (45 minutes)
Peloton Elvis Remix Arms & Shoulders Strength 12/29/20 – Ben (10 minutes)
Peloton Unity Ride 10/3/20 Irene (20 minutes)
To be 100% honest, I hit the snooze button and almost bailed on my workout. Between the absolute insanity of the previous day, mixed in with a bad night of sleep, my motivation to workout was lacking. After 15 minutes of laying bed I decided to get up and do a different workout than originally planned. I scheduled myself to do a bootcamp but I knew I didn’t want anything that high intensity. I was happy with the workouts I did select.
Friday, January 8
Peloton Intervals Run 4/30/19 – Jess (30 minutes)
Peloton The Beatles Ride Vol 2 12/25/20 – Denis (45 minutes)
Peloton Arms & Shoulders Strength 11/4/20 – Hess (10 minutes)
Today wasn’t much better than Thursday, but I didn’t hit the snooze button so I considered that a win. The intervals run class helped to wake me up rather quickly. My legs were pretty tired from the run so I took it easier on the ride. I’m also noticing that these 10 minute strength classes are all pretty killer. My arms were burning by the end of the class.
Saturday, January 9
Orangetheory Fitness – Strength (45 minutes)
Peloton The Jess King Experience 11/19/20 – Jess (30 minutes)
Peloton Elvis Remix Core Strength 12/29/20 – Emma (10 minutes)
Peloton Miley Cyrus Yoga Flow 1/7/21 – Aditi (30 minutes)
The OTF class had a little bit of everything – inclines, speedwork and heavy weights. I was a little suspicious of the Miley Cyrus yoga class but it was actually pretty good!
Sunday, January 10
Peloton Advanced Full Body Tread Bootcamp 1/9/21 – Jess (60 minutes)
Peloton Core Strength 10/18/20 – Jess (10 minutes)
Peloton Remix Yoga Flow 12/29/20 – Denis (10 minutes)
After two weeks, Jess was back with a 60 minute bootcamp class and almost killed me. I think she found a way to work every single muscle group and of course she had a lovely 7 minute EMOM to end class. Her 10-minute core class produced a lot of sweat as well and the quick yoga class was just what my body needed.
Total Weekly Mileage: 15 miles
Summary: 6 runs*, 2 bootcamps, 6 cycle, 2 yoga and 9 OTF/strength classes.
*I include running from my OTF workouts, boot camp classes and stand alone runs.
Peloton Artist Series Classes Progress – 203/207
Grade This Week β A
So…this wasn’t exactly a great week. You know how I mentioned doing a reset on my attitude and trying to be more positive? Well I kind of failed at that for a few days as I was screaming at my television – oops. One positive thing is that I’m still sticking to my stretching before and after workouts – so that’s something, right? I don’t know about you but I’m a little tired of living through significant historical events every few weeks. I can only hope (fingers crossed) that things get better.
Peloton released “The Cooldown” earlier this week which was basically a breakdown of our 2020 stats. It was really interesting to see the numbers but I wasn’t surprised at all that I spent most of my workouts with Jess Sims. I feel like she’s my private coach, lol.
…and now for this week’s memes π

So rude, LOL

A little positivity for the new year π

I think we all felt this way on Wednesday

I imagine this is how we look to other countries. How embarrassing.
That’s it! I hope you had a great week π
Iβm linking up with Deborah and Kim for the Weekly Run Down.
In Case You Missed It
Tuesday Topics: My Word For 2021
Elf Run Virtual 10K Race Recap
It really was quite a start to 2021. I saw some memes about giving up on Dry January after day 5 which made me chuckle too. Hopefully things will start to improve soon. Great job staying on track with your workouts despite everything going on this week!
If I was doing Dry January the streak would have ended on Wednesday, lol. This week was just ridiculous and I’m not even sad, I’m angry.
The meme game is strong right now! I felt more anxious before everything went down on Wednesday, which is really odd…anyhoo, I think we’re in for a bumpy couple of weeks. Just keep moving, right? I do love those TM classes. Anything to help me get through a TM run is a-ok by me.
PS I love the new blog design!
Thanks! I picked a new layout for it as I was trying to stop myself from watching the news.
The events this week were definitely not funny, but the memes are ridiculous. I will appreciated the levity, especially on Wednesday/Thursday.
I agree about the next few weeks being crazy. As much as I don’t want there to be any more riots, his ‘followers’ are absolute insane so who knows what will happen.
This week was stressful out of the gate for me. Gosh, I really liked the Pentatonix Ride, but I took it before the holidays when I was in better spirits. I would struggle to even pick up a 40 lb weight, let alone use it for sumo squats! Congrats on the PRs and the fun year-in-review from Peloton.
Iβve been getting hard on myself for hitting the snooze button until 6 am, until I realized Iβm not going to bed until 11, so thatβs 7 hours of sleep. I need to crack down on the bed-time end instead!
I just couldn’t get into the Pentatonix ride. I guess my mind just wasn’t in the mood to enjoy it. I’ve also noticed that I am going to be later (11:30pm or later) but still getting up early – something’s gotta give!
Your blog update looks good! I love how much fitness you fit into a week. So many classes so little time. I loved the Peloton video year in review. What a nice little gift. Have a great week ahead
Thanks! I did a few things to keep myself from watching the news and decided to pick a new layout for the blog, lol. The Peloton video was too cool – I really enjoyed it!
I appreciate your humor with the situation, though I totally know you are just as angry and upset as most of us…. I actually had my year-end review right after all the news was breaking and I just could not try to pretend to focus…:(
Anyways, good for you for still getting in so much activity especially Thursday morning. I admire your self-motivation!
This week was an absolute dumpster fire so I was very appreciate of the memes to add some humor into the situation. I am not even sad, I’m just so angry because SO many of us saw something like this happen once that person was elected President. His followers are insane so no telling what will happen between now and the inauguration – it’s a scary thought!
I can’t imagine having a year end review on the day everything was happening – I wouldn’t have been able to focus either!
I always love your memes. The one about seeing an ID (and seeing the “1” ) is my fave π Good job this week! And that’s awesome about the lunchtime workout and working from home in a sweatshirt the rest of the day. I need to try that sometime!
The birth year meme was so creative and still makes me laugh out loud when I think about it, lol
I wouldn’t be embarrassed by other countries seeing what happened – maybe reassured that we were horrified and we stand in support of the decent people. We were horrified for you, and at the assholes.
And I’ve said it before but you are a machine on those workouts!
Thank you Liz. I am so embarrassed/angry at what took place here on Wednesday. There’s just no excuse for it!
That Joey meme is right on. This year better get better.
You are amazingly dedicated to your workouts. I did my first bike ride with Jess. I like her a lot.
If I don’t have to train or have a meeting, I do sneak in a workout (usually a run) at lunch.
I cannot hardly ever motivate myself to do it before work.
I want to say the year can only go up from here, but I don’t want to jinx us! I used to do lunchtime walks in the Spring/Summer but I’m finding it harder to do that now because it’s so cold and windy..and I seem to have meetings around either 12 or 1. I may just start blocking off my calendar for 30 minutes if the weather is nice.
Hang in there Kim! And thanks for the memes<3
Happy to provide funny memes to get us through the craziness!
Solid week for you! I think we all tapped into our fitness vices for coping with the crazy week. I had to think (for a minute) on that β1β birthdate year meme LOL Your blog looks great!
LOL the birthday meme took me a few seconds to get as well, but then once I got it I was like ‘that’s so rude’ LOL
Holy smokes lady I’m exhausted just reading all of your workouts! Awesome job!! I’m bookmarking some of the Jess core classes you’ve got listed here.
As always I appreciate your memes. We definitely need to find a way to laugh a little. I saw one I liked saying they wanted to return 2021 after the 7-day trial LOL! I just keep telling myself it will get better.
Your blog looks great!
Thanks! I just picked a layout upgrade for blog – only took me a few minutes and took my mind off of the craziness on Wednesday.
I saw that 7 day trial meme as well and it made me LOL! As with all of her classes, Jess really maximizes the time for the core workouts!
Way to lean into your fitness in this crazy time! I can tell you as a coach that the vast majority of people were totally thrown off their game by the events this week so props to you. Love the memes as always !
I almost skipped my workout on Thursday but I’m so glad that I didnt!
You had a great week of workouts and such a great variety of exercises! LOL on the birth year starting with a 1. I hadn’t even thought of that!
The birth year meme was so creative – it still makes me laugh!
I was in tears on Wednesday. I just don’t know how this is happening. I want to stay positive, too, but the madness has to end.
You had some fabulous workouts, even if your attitude wasn’t as positive as you hoped. Thank goodness for exercise. I don’t know if I would be sane without it.
I actually wasn’t sad on Wednesday but I was incredibly angry/pissed off. I knew something crazy would happen because his followers are unhinged but I didn’t think it would be that bad. I’m even more upset at the handful of Republicans that are still fighting the election results. What a mess all around π
I am still optimistic, too, but last week was definitely a very, very low point. Luckily I can chew Mr. Judy’s ear off so I don’t have to scream at the TV, LOL!
Glad your workouts helped you get through it.
The one in your birth year . . . too funny!
At one point I laughed at myself for screaming at the TV…Hello Kim, they can’t hear you! LoL
The birth year meme still makes me laugh.
Kim you never cease to amaze me with all your workouts. for real!!
It was a rough week. I hate being the token American at my work and in the neighborhood. I get a lot of questions which are various forms of “da fuq they doin ova der”. It has absolutely dominated our news as well. Un freaking believable.
We have to keep pushing forward, keep using our voice, and keep the faith. and a bit of hope helps too.
Thanks so much Renee – you’re too sweet!
Love what you said about pushing forward – that’s really the best course of action we can take right now. I really hope that common sense and decency prevails because what’s going on now is just nuts.
I love your memes, especially the cat one because ACCURATE. Sometimes memes are how I get through tough times.
I love the updated look on your blog too! Great job with your weekly workouts! I feel like it was no surprise that Matty was my top instructor in the cooldown. He’s my boy lol. And today I found out we are the same age and I’m like yessss! <3
Memes have allowed me some joy every week and that I’m totally thankful. Even if the world is a dumpster fire, it’s nice to have a small escape.
Matty is awesome! This year I want to take more classes with him.
I also checked out my stats. Very interesting information. I spent lots of time with Matty. π
The age meme…HAHAHAHA!!!
The age meme still makes me laugh!