Happy Sunday, and happy first day of Spring. I will admit that Spring is probably my least favorite time of year due to my allergies but it is nice to (hopefully) not deal with snow anymore.
Here’s how my workouts went this week:
Monday, March 14
Bootcamp Warm Up 3/2/22 – Rebecca (5 minutes)
Saturday 60: Hip Hop Bootcamp 3/12/22 – Jess (60 minutes)
New Tracks Ride 3/7/22 – Kendall (30 minutes)
#nevermissamonday – It was a little ambitious to start off the week with a Jess Sims Saturday60 bootcamp but I always feel great once the class is over. Surprisingly I also enjoyed Kendall’s New Tracks ride – I always like to discover new music!
Tuesday, March 15
Pop Punk Bootcamp 4/30/21 – Chase (45 minutes)
Orangetheory Fitness – ESP (45 minutes)
WHM Two For One Yoga Flow 3/15/22 – Aditi & Anna (30 minutes)
I’ve had this bootcamp from Chase bookmarked for a few months. I know that Peloton will keep his classes up for a while, but I still wanted to take the bootcamp class sooner vs later. I always enjoyed his pop punk classes and this class was no different. I also enjoyed the yoga class with Anna and Aditi since it had a super fun playlist.
Wednesday, March 16
Warm Up Walk 11/9/21 – Susie (10 minutes)
Donna Summer Run 3/11/22 – Matty (30 minutes)
Donna Summer Ride 3/15/22 – Cody (30 minutes)
Donna Summer Cool Down Ride 3/15/22 – (10 minutes)
Core Strength 3/1/22 – Jermaine (10 minutes)
Arms & Shoulders Strength 3/1/22 – Jermaine (10 minutes)
Is there a better way to start off your day than with Donna Summer? All the classes were enjoyable and definitely put in a good mood for the rest of the day. I also took two short strength classes with Jermaine and enjoyed both of them. He just started teaching strength classes a few weeks ago.
Thursday, March 17
HIIT Cardio 12/3/21 – Jess (20 minutes)
Orangetheory Fitness – Endurance (45 minutes)
2010s Walk 3/15/22 – Jess (20 minutes)
Women’s History Month Ride 3/13/22 – Ally (30 minutes)
Helene Fischer Full Body Stretch 3/17/22 – Erik (5 minutes)
The OTF workout was insane. The theme was “Luck of the Draw” in honor of St. Patrick’s Day and let’s just say the odds weren’t in my favor, lol.

A message from my best friend on Instagram – she knows me well but I just wore a St. Patrick’s Day shirt to class, no costume, lol.
Friday, March 18
Soul Walk 3/14/22 – Marcel D (30 minutes)
Karol G Ride 3/16/22 – Camila (30 minutes)
Women’s History Month Barre 3/16/22 – Hannah C (20 minutes)
Karol G Yoga Flow 3/16/22 – Mariana (20 minutes)
I took things a little easy since the DriTri was the following day. The soul walk was like a party on the treadmill – it was so much fun!
Saturday, March 19
Orangetheory Fitness – DriTri
*Spotify We Everywhere Run 2/18/21 – Jess (30 minutes)
Focus Flow: Hips 1/5/22 – Kristin (10 minutes)
The DriTri (2,000m row, 300 bodyweight exercises, 5k run) is my favorite OTF event of the year. This was my 5th time doing the full DriTri (they also offer a “sprint” option which is half of everything). When the year first started, I was hoping to PR the DriTri but I finished about 1 minute slower than my PR. I was totally fine with this since I wasn’t too far off. Also the last 2-3 weeks have been really stressful so I was glad that didn’t hamper my performance too much. I think I was a little too conservative with the row portion in the beginning of the event, so I lost a bit of time there. *I used Jess’s run to get me through the 5k portion of the event.

It was an intense DriTri, lol
Later on that night I decided to so the hips class to get in a stretch. It was comical how tight I was – I could barely do any of the moves. That is my incentive to start stretching waaaayyy more.
Sunday, March 20
Pop HIIT Cardio 3/18/22 – Olivia (10 minutes)
Pop Ride 3/19/22 – Tunde (20 minutes)
R&B Ride 3/16/22 – Alex (30 minutes)
Arms & Shoulders Strength 9/29/21 – Jess (10 minutes)
Helene Fischer Strength 3/17/22 – Erik (20 minutes)
My legs were pretty sore after yesterday’s DriTri, but I ran some errands in the morning and I guess the walking must have helped with the soreness. I knew I didn’t want to run today, so I opted for cycling and strength.
Running – 12.76 miles
Cycle – 37 miles
Strength Training – 70 minutes
Bootcamp – 105 minutes
Orangetheory Fitness – 90 minutes
Peloton Artist Series Classes – 540/542
Another crazy week at work, but I’m sick of complaining about it and it probably won’t get better for a few weeks so I’ll just leave it at that 🙂
I’ve been dealing with my allergies for a few weeks but of course now they are getting worse since everything is starting to bloom. I have my regimen of Zytec, nasal spray and Nettle tea which has worked for me in the past so I’m keeping my fingers crossed that it will work again this year as well.
…and now for this week’s memes.

This was me on Monday/Tuesday

Me..all week at work. I hate having to repeat myself.

Sums up my week lol
That’s it! I hope you had a great week 🙂
I’m linking up with Deborah and Kim for the Weekly Run Down.
In Case You Missed It
Tuesday Topics: Spring Bucket List
I hear you on the allergies! And every year I’m surprised by them – I’m 50 now, for goodness’ sakes! I’ve been dealing with a good friend being very ill this week (with Covid) so I need to get some relaxation Peleton classes in, thanks for the inadvertent reminder!
i’m thankful that my allergies aren’t as bad as they were when I was a kid, but they are still so annoying! For me the congestion is the worst because it leads to sinus headaches.
I don’t even see anything blooming yet but my allergies are in full swing! yikes. Just what you need with all the stress in your life. I’m impressed and glad to see that you are still getting it done! I hope those workouts are helping. Hang in there, friend. <3
Thanks Wendy! I already put in a request to use up some of my PTO in May so I’ll use that week to decompress from all the craziness 🙂
What a week! I like the idea of a “new tracks” class! I sadly hear lots of new music on TikTok first, ha!
Hang in there!
Haha, me too! I’ll never post a TikTok but I always enjoy watching the funny videos on there and hearing “new to me” songs, lol.
Lol on the last meme. Except for me it would be a Cheeze-Itz. 😉 You killed it with all those OTF workouts and the Dry Tri! Sorry work is stressing you out. Glad you can still keep a sense of humor about it.
I like Cheeze-Itz too, lol. Basically any type of snack sounded really good this week.
I hope your allergies improve. I used to have bad hay fever but it just went away.
Kudos on another active Peleton and otf week. Especially your dry Tri.
Lol on those memes.
Thanks Darlene!
Ugh- your allergies sound awful. I think you’re one of the few people I know who don’t like spring- which makes me know that your allergies must be really bad! Sounds like you’ve got a good routine for dealing with them though- I hope it works well.
Great week of workouts and congrats on the DriTri! Nice job there.
It sucks because Spring is such a beautiful time of the year but I have to be careful how much time I spend outside due to my allergies.
OMG. I wish I had Cheetohs.
Great stacks, as always!
The boys are struggling right now. My house is just full of coughing, sneezing, and snuffing. I have serious misphonia and I just want to lock myself in my room to get away from it.
That meme definitely made me want cheetos, lol.
Sorry for all the allergies & and their evilness. I kind of forget about allergies these days (since I did all the shots several years ago), but I was a mess ! Great job with the DriTri! I also did Cody’s Donna summer ride, and it was a good one!
Last Spring was pretty awful so I am hoping that maybe this Spring wont be as bad for my allergies – probably just wishful thinking though lol
sorry that work is still stressing you out so much! I can feel the allergies coming in as well and things are surely starting to bloom. Noting really works for me I just have to power through. Congrats on the dr tri they always sound fun in a hard sort of way. Loved the Donna S classes too and still have to take Cody’s this week. Thansk for linking and have a good week!
I am praying that Zyrtec continues to work for me because I’ve tried all other allergy pills and none of them help 🙁
I think you will enjoy Cody’s donna Summer ride – it was super fun!
I’m sorry about the continuing work stress. I’m sure that did impact your DriTri, but you did it! That’s the most important thing!
Glad the walking around afterward got the legs back to normal. Here’s hoping that you are able to get those allergies under control!
Thanks Judy! Yes, I was happy that I wasn’t too far off my PR and that I finished the event.
Congrats on completing another Dri Tri! I’m always amazed at how much you get done between OTF and Peloton. I really enjoyed Matty’s Donna Summer Run – I need to take Cody’s class this week.
I’m sorry work is still so stressful. I hope you can at least slip in a couple of days off to give yourself a break. Hang in there my friend!
Thanks Michelle! The DriTri is a lot, but it’s one of my favorite events of the year.
I’m taking my birthday off in April and a week of PTO in May. I might try to squeeze in another day or two in April if I can.
Sorry the allergies are hitting hard already. We don’t seem to have anything blooming yet but I’ve heard some people complaining already. I was all over the Donna Summer workouts this week too. So fun!
I think the ragweed has been a little high here the past few days and that always seems to be the worst allergy offender for me.
Those memes. But especially the DVD case. I might just still have that for CDs. :o) ALso allergic to all the things so I feel you. I feel like the nasal spray and Zyrtec counter one another as I sneeze my fave off with the nasal spray.
Congrats on the Dri Tri
I have a booklet of all my CDs in the attic. I kind of want to climb up there and take it out so I can take a trip down memory lane, lol.
I saw a few DriTri FB posts from various friends and wondered how you’d done. Glad you had a fun time of it even if you just barely missed your PR goal.