Happy Sunday! I hope that everyone had a great week. I am hesitant to say this but I think that we might have FINALLY hit Fall weather for good. We’ve had some glorious weather for most of the week and the leaves have finally started to change/fall from the trees.
Work continues to be absolutely insane but I think (fingers crossed) that next month should be much better. By then it will go back to just busy as opposed to super busy. Until then, I will continue to run on coffee.
Monday, October 18
Sam Smith Core Strength 6/10/21 – Emma (10 minutes)
Sundays with Love Ride 10/17/21 – Ally (30 minutes)
Bodyweight Strength 11/20/19 – Jess (15 minutes)
Orangetheory Fitness – Endurance (60 minutes)
This is the final week of the #SHSM Ladies of Core Tour and it’s ending with one of my favorite core classes from Emma. We had a run/row block at OTF which is my favorite type of workout because you’re switching between two endurance type of workouts. On the floor we had timed strength exercises (vs. a certain number of reps) which I loved because it was a nice switch from the ordinary and gave me more incentive to focus on my form.
Tuesday, October 19
BHM Celebration Ride 2/21/21 – Jenn (45 minutes)
Bootcamp: Bodyweight 10/19/21 – Jess (30 minutes)
Sam Smith Core Strength 6/10/21 – Emma (10 minutes)
2010s Run 10/19/21 – Jess (20 minutes)
Beyonce Barre 10/19/21 – Ally (20 minutes)
LHM: Bachata Slow Flow 10/8/21 – Mariana (20 minutes)
This stack was a little rough to do after work, but it was also fun. Loved the music for the BHM Celebration ride and then I spent some time with Jess for her two live classes. I celebrated my 300th run during the 2010s Run class. Barre is still not my jam but I just modify when needed. The slow flow yoga was perfect to wind down after the classes.
Wednesday, October 20
Sam Smith Core Strength 6/10/21 – Emma (10 minutes)
Orangetheory Fitness – Power (45 minutes)
Hills Run 9/10/19 – Jess (20 minutes)
Beyonce Two For One Ride 10/19/21 – Cliff & Hannah F (30 minutes)
LHM Quinceanera Yoga Flow 10/15/21 – Mariana (45 minutes)
Imagine my surprise when I walked in the OTF studio and the studio manager told me it was my 300th class. I don’t really keep count and there’s no way to keep track of the total number of classes in the app so it was a total shock. I was also super happy since the it was a power day workout – lots of tempo moves on the floor and all outs on the treadmill.
The 20 minute hills run I did after class actually wasn’t that bad. The way Jess set up the class with a few walking recoveries was key. The Beyonce ride was SO good! Cliff and Hannah looked like they were having a blast which made the ride enjoyable, plus the playlist was outstanding.
Thursday, October 21
Pre-Run Warm Up 3/24/21 – Adrian (5 minutes)
LHM Celebration Run 10/6/21 – Rebecca (30 minutes)
LHM: Latin Dance Run 10/15/21 – Matty (30 minutes)
LHM: Together We Ride 10/15/21 – Robin (30 minutes)
LHM Celebration Ride 10/9/21 – Tunde (30 minutes)
Post-Ride Stretch 10/19/21 – Cliff (5 minutes)
I was super excited for this stack. I figured it would be super fun and have lots of good music. Unfortunately I just couldn’t get into the run classes. Matty’s class has more of a EDM/House music feel and that’s not a genre of music I like too much. I couldn’t get into Rebecca’s playlist either. It was kind of disappointing, but the cycle classes made up for it!
Friday, October 22
Beyonce Run 10/20/21 – Kirsten (30 minutes)
Beyonce Bootcamp 10/20/21 – Chase (30 minutes)
Beyonce Bodyweight Strength 10/20/21 – Erik (20 minutes)
Beyonce Slow Flow Yoga 10/19/21 – Nico (20 minutes)
Unlike Thursday’s workout, this one was super fun. All of the classes were great! I had to take my car in for maintenance in the morning so I opted for a lunchtime workout. It was a nice way to break up the day.
Saturday, October 23
Beyonce Walk 10/20/21 – Rebecca (30 minutes)
90s Walk 7/16/21 – Jess (30 minutes)
Beyonce Upper Body Strength 10/21/21 – Ben (20 minutes)
Beyonce Power Yoga 10/21/21 – Aditi (30 minutes)
It was another car morning – dropped off my car to get some detailing done. I had a few hours to kill so I decided to hop into a few stores and get in two walking classes on the Peloton app. I have a bunch of outdoor classes bookmarked but I never get around to taking them since I don’t have time for my afternoon walks anymore. It was a nice change of pace. Once I got home I continued to knock out the Beyonce classes. Just a few more to go!
Sunday, October 24
Orangetheory Fitness – Phishing for Rest (45 minutes)
Beyonce Warm Up Ride 10/19/21 – Alex (10 minutes)
Beyonce Ride 10/19/21 – Robin (35 minutes)
Beyonce Cool Down Ride 10/19/21 – Tunde (10 minutes)
Beyonce Full Body Stretch 10/21/21 – Hannah C (20 minutes)
Beyonce Power Yoga 10/21/21 – Mariana (20 minutes)
It’s the beginning of HELL WEEK at OTF! Today was Phishing for Rest which was the perfect name because it was basically nonstop for 45 minutes, except when we switched stations.
All of the Beyonce rides were good, but I lost power in the middle of Robin’s ride. It was a 45 minute class so I lost about 10 minutes waiting for the power and wifi to come back. I’ll do the stretch and yoga class tonight to wind down before bed.
Total Weekly Mileage: 17.2 miles
Summary: 8 runs*, 8 cycle, 2 bootcamps, 5 yoga and 10 OTF/strength/HIIT classes.
*I include running from my OTF workouts, boot camp classes and stand alone runs.
Peloton Artist Series Classes Progress – 425/427
It’s my favorite time of the year (besides Christmas) – Orangetheory Fitness Hell Week! It starts today and ends on Halloween. The classes for the next week are harder than normal, hence the term ‘Hell Week’. Last year I did all 8 days and that was NOT a good idea. This year I’ll be sticking to hitting the minimum of 5 workouts.
My ribs/chest continue to slowly feel better. I can still feel a little bit of discomfort if I move a certain way, but at least I’m able to sneeze and yawn without pain.
…and now for this week’s memes
That’s it! I hope you had a great week 🙂
I’m linking up with Deborah and Kim for the Weekly Run Down.
In Case You Missed It
Tuesday Topics: Fitting in Fitness Over the Holidays
Ha ha ha to be a bird LOL Love that meme!!! Well done on your week, and especially on class #300! Have fun with Hell Week, and good luck!
The bird meme continues to make me laugh, lol.
the 7 am meme is so me! LOL congrats on your 300th class very impressive. Nice job getting so many workouts in on such a busy work week. Beyonce classes were lots of fun!
Thanks! 300 seemed to be the magic number for last week!
I am sorry that work continues to be so busy, but you seem to handle it so well, Kim!
Glad that the car maintenance had a silver lining with getting in some outdoor Peloton classes. Glass half full?
Enjoy Hell Week. Better you than me! 🙂
Thanks Judy. Often times I feel like a chicken running around with its head cut off but things always work out in the end.
Definitely glass half full when it came to the car maintenance. Loved the outdoor walk but could have done without the maintenance bill, lol. Oh well, at least the car is already paid off so that a good thing.
So wait- your first favorite time of year is Christmas, and the second is Orangetheory Fitness Hell Week? (I’m afraid to ask what your third is.) I hope you enjoy it!
Sounds like you had a great week- glad you’re enjoying some beautiful fall weather!
My third favorite time of the year is Thanksgiving! 🙂
Yay on rib improvement. Such a frustrating and challenging injury. Congratulations on 300. That’s awesome.
I feel you on super busy v. busy. Hang in there friend. Hugs
It’s such an annoying injury because some days I think it’s gone for good and then other days I feel it.
How do you decide/put together your stacks? I added the 10 minute core to my stack since you like it so much! I started following an instagram account (HCOTF2018) that I take idea from, but need to pay closer attention to the ones you experts like!
On Sundays I usually plan out my workouts for the week. First I pencil in my OTF classes and then I work around that. Also I have a bunch of classes bookmarked so that makes it easier to select the classes for me stack. HCOTF2018 is a great group to follow!
You are so inspiring wiht all your peleton and OTF activity. I wish some of it would run off on me.
As usual, your memes make my day!
I hope you have a good week with OTF as the only “hell.”
Thanks Darlene! I’m glad that you enjoyed this week’s memes, they are some of my favorites.
I love the 7 AM meme LOL
I feel your pain on the busy workdays! I hope things slow down for both of us soon.
Congrats on your OTF and Pelo run milestones! Have fun with Hell Week 🙂
That meme is my life every weekend, lol.
Yes – fingers crossed that we hit “normal” busy status at work soon. These 10 hour days are killing me!
Yes, sometimes I wish I were a bird too (for the same reason)!!!!!
Congrats on 300, well done!
Glad you had good weather, it is perfect for sport activities.
Here also the ground is full of fallen leaves.
Thanks! I’m happy its finally starting to feel like Fall here.
Congrats on 300! That’s a huge accomplishment! Have so much fun with Hell Week! Omg the memes! Always so funny.
Thanks Marcia! I can’t believe I’ve done 300 classes there – it really doesn’t seem like it’s been that long.
I could certainly use a clapping alarm clock, LOL! I always feel so short-changed so I bet that would cheer me up! I know what you mean about looking forward to going from super-busy to busy – it’s been so insane at my work as well and I’m in desperate need of “normal busy”. Best of luck with Hell Week!!
hahaha me too! Sometimes the alarm makes me want to throw my phone across the room.
I am in desparate need of normal busy. I think if I make it through this week I’ll be good!
300 classes and Hell Week! YAS! You’e so amazing!
I love all those stacks and your dedication to your OTF and Peloton! It’s such a positive vibe!
Thanks Jenn! Hell Week is my favorite time of the year at OTF.
That bird meme hahahahaha! Same. Totally same.
I miss OTF I’m just super scared to run on treadmills again since that’s what caused my injuries last year 🙁
And Peloton has a SAM SMITH series? WHAAAATTTT??? I loved him! Best concert I’ve ever seen!!
That bird meme still makes me laugh, lol.
Yes! Their Sam Smith Artist Series classes took place earlier this summer and they were all great!
300 classes, wowee! Well done and glad they noticed and cheered it!
Thanks so much Liz!
Congrats on #300! You’ve been so consistent. So great! Good luck with hell week!
I laughed about eating push-ups! Never thought about them being a toilet paper roll!
Thanks Wendy!
Well done on those 300 classes!! Enjoy Hell Week. bahaha!
Congrats on your 300th OTF class! I’m so sorry to be missing another Hell Week, but I ^might^ be going back to OTF in November — we’ll see if my Achilles can handle it.
Chase’s Beyonce Bootcamp is on deck for tomorrow. I love Hannah F and loved the class with Cliff — I was surprised that he didn’t seem to have much of an accent — he spoke so fluently.
I hope you get through this week of work unscathed!
That would be great if you can go back to OTF next month! I remember how much you really liked it 🙂
Chase’s Beyonce bootcamp was interesting – Chase had a lot of energy, lol. I wish that Cliff and Erik would teach a few cycle classes in English.
Anyone who’s second favorite time of the year is Hell Week is a total badass!
Oh my goodness, I’d forgotten all about those orange push-up ice cream/sherbet things and how much I loved them!
Yeah something is definitely wrong with me when Hell Week is something I look forward to each year lol