Happy Friday! I’m nearing the end of my staycation and I’m sad π but I guess I really shouldn’t complain because it was a super productive week, despite the crazy heatwave! I got SO many errands done this week and I feel like I can go into next week with a lot less stress, which is always a good thing! Oh, and before I forget, just wanted to let you know that yesterday I did a live IG video speaking about collagen and it’s benefits. You can still catch it on playback on my IG page until 11am EST today, if you’re interested π
Did you have a good month? August went by in the blink of an eye. I think training for RnR Philly and being super busy at work made the days go by faster than normal. As usual, I have a lot to say or “runfess” about August. Since it’s the last Friday of the month, I’m linking up with Marcia from Marcia’s Healthy Slice for Runfessions. Let’s get started!
I runfess that I missed my weight loss goal, but I’m okay with that!
Back in May, I set a weight long goal for myself – I wanted to drop 15 pounds by the end of summer. I’ve been following the Weight Watchers program since Memorial Day and so far I’ve lost 13 pounds. While it’s not my goal of 15, I’m still proud of that number. My clothing fits SO much better and I’m glad that my eating habits are back on track. I’d call that a win!
I runfess that rude runners really annoy me
While I understand that running in the summer can be difficult, it’s still no excuse to be rude. Lately I’ve noticed that runners just don’t acknowledge other runners. Numerous times I have smiled, said “hi”, given a head nod or even waved at runners and they will literally not acknowledge me at all. I’m a pretty friendly person so I always try to acknowledge people when I’m walking or running past them, but I guess others don’t feel the same way. Honestly we’re all out there running for fun, it’s not like we’re going to break any Olympic records, so taking one second out of your day to say hello really shouldn’t be a big deal, right?
I runfess that I cannot wait for Fall!
This should come as no shock to anyone but I’m SO ready for Fall and I can’t wait for it to start next month. Fall and Winter and tied for my favorite season. I love everything about Fall – the holidays, the cooler temperatures, the fashion, the change of colors, apple picking, and of course, pumpkin everything! On a side note, I know that the pumpkin spice latte is now available for purchase, but that just seems wrong. I always wait until late September/early October to get my first PSL of the season, LoL.
I runfess that I might be considering running another marathon
I’ll have to see how I feel after my Fall racing schedule, but right now I’m about 50/50 on signing up for another marathon. If I do, it will most likely be a winter or spring marathon (I’ve given up on Fall marathons because the summer training is just too brutal). I ran my last marathon in March so it’s been a while. Maybe I’ve just blocked all the intense running from my memory? I’m currently taking suggestions for Winter/Fall marathons if you have any!

No better feeling than crossing the finish line of a marathon
I runfess that I’m obsessed with my air fryer
I purchased an air fryer on Amazon during the Prime Day deals and it might be one of the best purchases I’ve made this year! I love how it cooks things quickly and without oil. I’ve cooked a few things in it so far and everything has come out amazing – homemade french fries, chicken and buffalo cauliflower, just to name a few. Also it’s nice to not have to turn on the stove or oven when it’s super hot outside!
That’s it for this month – thanks for reading my runfessions! I hope that you have a great weekend!
I’m also linking up for Friday Five 2.0 with Rachel from Running on Happy and Lacey and Meranda from Fairytales and Fitness.
Do you have anything you want to runfess for August?
Congrats on your weight loss! I would definitely call that a win, especially since you can always keep going if the last two are important to you. But of course if you feel good and your clothes fit better, maybe you found your sweet spot? Either way, nice job with your goal!
I generally wave to other runners but I am sure there have been times I had my headphones on and was in my own little world and didn’t notice someone. One time, I did something SO RUDE… well, I dunno if it was rude. Someone in their car asked me directions while I was running in my neighborhood, but I was doing speed work and did NOT want to stop. I was on a MISSION. I just straight up ignored them and kept running! I felt bad because it is not in my nature to just ignore something, but also it was a special workout.
Thanks so much Megan! Losing weight is always hard but worth it!
I don’t blame you for not stopping for that car! I never stop when a car approaches me. There are just too many crazy people out there. Sure, the person may have wanted directions, but you really never know!
100% agree with you on rude runners! Actually, rude people in general. What is happening with people? I have my theory but this isn’t a political forum, so I’ll keep it to myself! LOL I’ll keep on waving, tho.
Congrats on the weight loss! That’s amazing. You must feel so good!
Ugh the rude runners really annoy me! I kind of think I know what your theory is and I probably have the same one, lol.
I don’t know much about air fryers but it sounds interesting! I have to admit even though I love summer running I think at this point I’m ready for fall. Your weight loss progress is awesome!
The air fryer is really cool and I have appreciated not needing to turn on the stove/oven especially on these super hot and humid days!
I think of myself as a friendly runner, but realized last weekend I was in the zone (perhaps the misery zone ….) and wasn’t greeting other runners like I usually do — when someone greeted me I replied and realized that I hadn’t been. I’m glad you had a good and productive staycation. I had a lot of plans for my day “off” on Wednesday, but pooped out after two appointments.
Oh definitely. I can totally when see when runners are really going all out or when they are in the zone, but a lot of runners I pass are not like that. They just don’t want to say hi which is very odd to me.
My staycation was awesome! I’m sad that it’s almost over but I’m happy for the time off.
I hate when people are rude, Whats the point? Really? is it to hard to smile back.
I feel like I’m the only one not wanting fall to come. I love summer so much
Exactly! It costs nothing to be kind.
Wow congrats on making such great strides with your nutrition! That’s really fantastic. I was just talking about the air fryer -I have been kind of on the fence and wondering if I would really use it.
Thanks so much! I’m still working on a fe things but I think I’m finally finding what works for me.
I’ve used the air fryer about 10 times now – all for different foods – and I really like it.
13 pounds is brilliant and those last couple will come off in no time, I am sure of it! Well done on all your hard work getting to that point! It’s not easy.
I runfess that I can’t wait for Spring! I am so done with winter and these recurring flu bugs! It’s still a bit cool but tomorrow is the first day of Spring here and I am over the moon! I know I am going to regret saying this when the unbearable heat starts but I will enjoy the few days of Spring we get here!
Thanks! I’m hoping that with some tweaking I can lose a few more pounds and then maintain my weight.
That’s awesome that Spring is literally right around the corner for you! π
I love fall too, and I skip the lattes. Things seem to be out earlier and earlier, and as much as I want to put out my Halloween stuff, I want to wait until at least we get to September.
Right?! I don’t understand why Halloween candy was right next to ‘Back to School’ items – it’s madness!
13 pounds is amazing! That air fryer looks cool. Never heard of it. Typically runners that don’t say hi don’t bother me (to each his own) but there’s a girl I see on the trail at least once usually twice every weekend and she won’t even look up. WTH?? Thanks for linking and enjoy the long weekend!
Thanks Marcia! I’m just glad I was able to get a handle on my weight over the summer before I gained more.
That’s so weird about the girl that you see every weekend. You would think that she would say hi – so rude!
Ugh, the whole rude runner thing really bugs me too! There’s one woman I pass on the majority of my runs and she never acknowledges – it takes no effort to be kind. Congrats on 13 pounds! That’s fantastic!
That’s so frustrating about the woman that never says hi – I just really don’t get it at all! Isn’t it so much easier to smile than to frown?
13 lbs!! That’s great.
What another marathon? Good for you. I can’t get myself to train for ONE!!
I wave to any runner who passes me by. I hate it when they ignore you.
My friend has an air fryer and loves it. Of course, I don’t need one until I start cooking lol
Thanks so much Darlene! It was hard at first but now I finally think I know what foods work for me.
I always think of runners as being some of the nicest people I’ve ever met so that’s why I find it so weird when they don’t say hi, or wave.
I hear really good things about air fryers. I want one that’s also a toaster over (they do make them).
Unacknowledging runners have always been out there. It’s still rude, though! Heck, there are a couple of women who walk my neighborhood every day, and they never acknowledge me. Not when I’m running & not when I’m walking the dogs.
Good luck on finding a marathon where you don’t have to train through summer for! Hopefully it will be a mild winter. Seriously, we’re due some nice weather.
Oh wow I didn’t know that! That’s an awesome combo.
Ugh, I just hate rude people in general. It really annoys me because it costs nothing to be kind – seriously!
Oh, I hear ya on the rude runners. I ALWAYS acknowledge other runners on my path (even when i have headphones it) but they just don’t seem to want to reciprocate . Yes, I am sure they are running much faster then me, but still. Like you said, we are not olympians. They can take the time to wave or nod.
Running another marathon is huge news! Keep us posted on what you decide! Thanks for linking up with us.
Me too! I just feel like runners understand other runners. We’re a crazy breed so we should always acknowledge each other π
Still trying to decide on the marathon thing. While I love the challenge, I just need to make sure that my body is up to it!
RUN MARINE CORPS WITH ME!!!!!!! PLEASEEEEEEEE!!!! It’s in the fall but it’s AMAZING! And Michelle will be there! And we can hang with Coco and Erika and Deborah!! Just sayin…
Congrats on your weight loss, that’s awesome!
While I’d love to run MCM, I just can’t deal with the summer training and Ive heard that the course is hilly – you know how I feel about hills lol.
YOU have done so well this summer! Although 13 pounds is just short of 15, it’s still 13 pounds π That’s an amazing feat!! Yes. rudeness, in general, is a pet peeve of mine. Honestly, can’t we all just get along?
Thanks so much Kim. I’m definitely happy with what I’ve been able to do over the summer in terms of weightless. Now I just need to make sure that I maintain it – I always tend to gain weight in the winter!
Congrats on the weight loss, that’s awesome!
I hate rude people. Truly my one peeve
Thanks so much Cari!
Yes, rude people really grind my gears. It literally costs nothing to be kind!
I’m with you on the rude runners…I don’t get it?! I’m so glad you like your air fryer…I have been looking at them, but was not sure if I would like it!
I purchased a small air fryer (just in case i didn’t like it) but I have to say – so far so good!
Here is me waving and saying HI as I pass by! I agree we should all just be more kind (I did a bit of a rant about being a kind driver on my IG lately).
Come and run the Houston marathon (if there are spots open still). It is a fun race in mid January π
Oh man, don’t even get me started on ride drivers – that’s a whole other story, lol. But yes, I just think people need to be more kind overall!
I might do RnR San Antonio in December so that would count as my Texas race, but if not, I may consider Houston!
Rude runners (and people) suck. The end. Full stop.
I am intrigued by the air fryer. Little man wanted to get me one for Christmas a couple of years ago, which led to a rather lengthy “we do not give mommy appliances as gifts” conversation, but now I’m wondering if I should have let it happen. I do like fried food, but we very rarely use our fryer because it makes the house smell.
Good luck with your decision on that next marathon. I haven’t felt particularly motivated in that general direction again π
I like your “we don’t give mommy appliances for gifts” statement! We had the same motto in my family and never gave my mom any appliances for gifts for her birthday or Christmas! We don’t eat a lot of fried food, but I like that the air fryer can make things crispy because sometimes you need a good crunch!
Congrats on the weight loss!!
It bothers me too when people donβt nod or wave especially the ones I see often.
Mountains to Beaches marathon is here in California in May. Itβs a beautiful mostly downhill course.
Thanks so much Denise for the race recommendation!
Congrats on your weight goal! That’s definitely a win!
Summer is my favorite season, but fall is a close second, so I’m not tooooo bummed that it’s ending (I don’t want winter though!)! I’m with you on it being wrong that the PSL is out so soon–what?!?
Thanks Farrah! Yes, the PSL was introduced WAY too early – they should at ;east wait until September to do that!
way to go losing 13 pounds. That is an awesome accomplishment. Not ready for pumpkin everything. Can it still be summer?
Thanks so much Sandra!