Happy Tuesday! It’s time for another edition of Tuesday Topics.This week’s Tuesday Topic: Who you exercise when you’re sick? You can write about any running related topic. Remember to link-up with Kim and Zenaida and the bottom of this post!
Everyone has different views on this topic. When doing research for this post, I came across this information several times: If symptoms are above the neck (including a sore throat, nasal congestion, sneezing, and tearing eyes), then it’s OK to exercise. If symptoms are below the neck, such as coughing, body aches, fever, and fatigue, then it’s recommended that you not run.
I hope I don’t jinx myself, but I usually get sick once a year (knock on wood). I can only speak for what works for me when it comes to running while sick. If I have a fever, a bad cough or chest congestion, I will not run as I think it will do more harm than good. However, I will still run (at a slower pace) if I have a runny nose, sneezing or a scratchy throat as that’s always what I deal with during allergy season. One exception – sometimes if I have a headache before a run/workout, it’s gone by the time I finish. I still don’t understand why that happens but I won’t question it!
I’ll admit that Covid-19 has skewed my thoughts on this topic a bit. I want to preface this by saying I know that I am fortunate to have the option to workout at home. That being said, if possible, just workout at home if you have the sniffles. Even if you don’t have a fever, it’s just safer to stay home and not attend group workout classes or go to the gym to spread germs.
Tell me: Do you exercise when you’re sick?
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Topic for next week – Thing you saw on your last run. Feel free to write about this or any running related topic. We hope you’ll link up with us!
Catrina says
Ah, yes, I have seasonal allergies too and it’s very annoying. But Kai has it much more severe than I have and it can be nearly crippling. Fortunately, it’s over after a month or two but it’s not much fun!
Do you go to the OTF studio sometimes?
Currently, I do all my strength work at home and I quite like it that way.
kookyrunner says
Seasonal allergies are so annoying but I have learned how to deal with them enough to get in a good workout. I usually workout indoors when my allergies are very bad though.
I’m going back to OTF later on this week after being out for about 10 weeks – it should be very interesting lol.
Judy @ Chocolaterunsjudy says
Well, if I have a fever, I couldn’t exercise even if I wanted to! It totally knocks me out. I do get a low grade fever sometimes that can hang around, off and on, forever it seems. Not sure why. Generally I know it means I’m run down so I will take it very easy.
I think the real danger, if you have a fever, is that too many don’t give themselves even a day of rest after it breaks. That often leads to getting sick again.
Rest is not a four letter word! Oops, obviously it is. 🙂 I saw a quote in one of the groups I’m in & I just love it:
Like dough, you’ll only rise if you rest.
Here’s to everyone’s good health!
kookyrunner says
Fever totally knocks me out to and makes me want to sleep all the time so I get what you mean.
i love “rest is a four letter word” lol. It might be the best 4 letter word of all time 🙂
Kimberly Hatting says
I have never been a gym-goer, so my workouts are either at home or “on the road” (via running/biking/walking). That said, I’m pretty diligent about listening to my body. I love being active, but oftentimes I’ll pass on an intense workout and opt for an easy-paced walk if I’m feeling off. The Covid vax (both doses) did a number on my energy level for a few days, so I front-loaded the workouts in the days prior (and was wise in doing so LOL).
kookyrunner says
You have taught me how to really zone in and listen to my body so thank you for that! Like you, I love a good power walk workout.
Wendy says
I do try to exercise when I’m sick. It’s usually a good gauge of how sick I really am. Fortunately, I don’t get sick too often. The one thing that will sideline me is RA, so I try to move whenever I can.
kookyrunner says
I think that because we workout consistently, that’s probably why we don’t get sick that often.
Darlene says
I’m lucky that I don’t get fevers or cold hardly ever. Knock on wood
I also find if I have a headache or feel sick, sometimes running makes it go away. Not sure why.
Probably the only thing that would stop me would be a stomach flu for obvious reasons.
Everyone is different. You have to know your own body.
Sometimes you just need to get out there to find out that you feel better with fresh air or a friend rather using it as an excuse to stay home.
kookyrunner says
Yes, knock on wood for me too! 9 times out of 10 running will help my headache disappear – I really don’t understand why but I won’t question it.
Coco says
After covid, I would be pi$$ed at anyone who goes to the gym or a studio class sick, even if they think they just have a “cold.” As for working out at home, the key is to listen to your body. If you already are having difficulty breathing, don’t do cardio. If you are achy, just rest.
kookyrunner says
I agree with you. Pre-covid I remember overhearing someone at OTF say they came to class when they had the flu. Why would anyone do that?! So selfish.
Deborah Brooks says
Knock on wood-I have not been sick in years maybe. I do workout when I have cramps though and it really helps! If I was sick, I believe I would exercise as long as I stayed away from my friends
kookyrunner says
Working out when I have cramps is always hit or miss with me. One time I had to end a workout early sue to cramps but another time running made the cramps disappear – so strange!
Shathiso says
I must admit that when I’m feeling sick, I feel sorry for myself and don’t run, even if it’s just a minor cold. But I have run with headaches before and when I’m done, it’s gone!!
kookyrunner says
there must be some sort of science behind running making headaches disappear!
Cari says
I think it depends on my mood as much as my physical symptoms. If symptoms caused poor sleep I know the run will be garbage. If I’m feeling good despite symptons I’m usually likely to go. I think the only one that would definitely keep me out is the rebound from stomach issues.
kookyrunner says
That’s a good point about it depending on your mood too – I think I’m the same way too. Same for me with stomach issues.
San says
I don’t get sick very often, so I don’t feel too bad if I skip a workout when I feel poorly (because I don’t usually use it as an excuse)…. and sometimes if I have a headache before a run/workout and it’s also gone by the time I finish. I don’t question that either… unless my head is pounding, I will still work out with a headache.
kookyrunner says
Same for me, and yes, if it’s a migraine I don’t workout at all because I know that will make it worse!
Black Knight says
Now I am too old to run when I am sick however, in the past, I followed the “above/below the neck” rule.
kookyrunner says
You’re not too old at all!
Jenny says
It’s been a very long time since I was too sick to run. I usually try to push through unless it will be obviously detrimental. i guess the last 15 months or so of mask wearing had an upside, because I seriously can’t remember the last time I was sick!
Jenny says
Oh, except for my vaccine hangover- I did miss a day after my second shot!
kookyrunner says
So true about the masks! I also read that there was a significant drop in flu cases last Winter due to mask wearing.
Michelle D. says
In general, I just try to listen to my body. I’m lucky that I don’t get sick very often – migraines are usually the thing that will stop me in my tracks! At a minimum, I find a walk and yoga will do a world of good on days when I’m feeling less than fabulous.
kookyrunner says
I agree – a good walk can always make me feel better.
Zenaida Arroyo says
I rarely get sick too! It is interesting how working out seems to make it go away. I like to take a nap for it! 🙂