Happy Tuesday! Yesterday was the most Mondayist Monday ever, so I’m glad to be over that hump. It’s also been very rainy and cloudy here the past few days so that definitely didn’t help!
This week’s Tuesday Topic: How has running made you a better person? You can write about this topic, or feel free to post any running related blog post. Remember to Link-up with Kim and Zenaida and the bottom of this post!
I didn’t have to think too hard the answer to that question. It’s a huge YES! Running has given me so much! Here’s just a few ways it has made me a better person.
Running has taught me patience
One thing I have always tried to work on is my lack of patience. While I’m not a 100% zen person, I will say that I have a little more patience since I’ve started running. Running is HARD and it takes time to see results. There’s no instant burst in speed or endurance – you have to be patient and wait for results.
Running has made me more adventurous
I’m an introvert by nature but running has definitely made me more adventurous. A few years ago I would have never flown to a new city and attend a runner meetup solo. The running community has allowed me to break out of my shell and be more open to new experiences. Running has also encouraged me to travel more often by visiting different states. Before running, I had never heard of a ‘racecation’ or ‘runcation’ and now I do a few of those each year.
Running has given me more confidence
I can actually pinpoint the exact moment that running gave me a confidence boost – it was after I crossed the finish line of the New York City Marathon. I was on such a runners high that the long walk out of Central Park didn’t even bother me (although I did crash and sat down as soon as I got out of the park, lol). Here’s the thing – if you can get through the hard weeks of training (especially in the summer) and finish a marathon – you can pretty do anything! After that race, I had more confidence in myself that I could do hard things.
How do you think that running has made you a better person?
Join the Link-Up!
Topic for next week – Are you a solo or group runner? We hope you’ll link up with us!
I’m also linking up with Marc from Train With Marc and Debbie from Coach Debbie Runs for Coaches’ Corner!
Running has definitely made me a better person–mostly because it has made me that person you can count on. Making a commitment to myself to workout/run has trickled over into real life. It’s also helped me with setting goals and following through on them. What a great activity!
And for some reason, running didn’t help me with this week’s topic–not sure how I got the wrong topic! One of these days, I’ll get it together. 🙂
You got the wrong topic because I had a brain fart and listed the wrong topic on last week’s post – I’m so sorry 🙁 I need a vacation…and coffee!
Yes to all of the above!! 🙂
Glad you agree!
Running has definitely made me more confident, more daring and more adventurous. Running has also most importantly, made me more social!
Same here! there’s nothing better than the social aspect of running!
Oh my gosh, yes! Running has given me perseverance, persistence, and discipline. It’s broadened my horizon literally and figuratively. It’s shown me I can push myself and enjoy the rewards of hard work, and also enjoy easy runs soaking in the beauty around me. Plus all the friends I’ve made that have made me a better person in other ways. 🙂
Shaking my head in agreement to everything that you said!
Yes to everything you said.
I am more confident, feel younger and have met some great people – face to face and virtually.
I have met some of the best people through running. It’s been such a blessing!
Running has definitely made me more adventurous too. I never would have gone on the endless trails that I run on without becoming a runner.
It’s nice that running has helped us break out of our comfort zones!
YES YES YES on all of this. I love the Prime quote
I also would add it has introduced me to lots of new voices since “runner” can encompass people of all stripes – so many wonderful stories shared whether in books, blogs, articles, etc. Love it
Also, enough with the rain. I had four meetings yesterday and was a drowned and muddy rat
That Prime quote is one of my favorites too!
Agree about running introducing you tons of different people – same for me, especially in blogging!
Yes, everything you wrote.
Moreover, before my retirement, I did many business trips and everytime I found the time to run trough the cities where I had the meetings: a different way to visit the places!
But the best was when I was member of the official Navy Running Team: cannot forget that period!
Now I have many wonderful memories too.
Yes! Running is such a great way to explore different cities. There’s no better way to see a new area than on foot.
You know, it’s a really interesting question. Running has helped me in many ways.
But there can be a dark side to running, too, sometimes, with the “pressure” internally (or externally sometimes) to keep up with the Joneses, or to keep trying to go longer, faster, etc.
I may have to blog about that at some point — thanks for the inspiration!
I do agree that there can be a dark side to running. I don’t like when I see how some runners are solely focused on their pace and then get upset when they don’t constantly hit PRs. That takes all the fun out of it, in my opinion.
Running had definitely made me a better person – more confident, better able to handle unforeseen events, stronger mentally and physically, and more outgoing. Running helps to “burn off the crazy” every morning. Many of my friends are ones I have met through running. I could keep on going…:)
Totally agree about how running has made you better at handling unforseen events – I feel the same way.
Yes to everything (imagine that, we’re in agreement LOL). My biggest gain is my athletic ability…. which was pretty non-existent prior to running. Like you said, running marathons & smiling about it… I never could have envisioned that, even 15 years ago. I’m also much more eager to risk “failure” by trying new things, and that’s all good.
LOL we always seem to be in agreement #kimtwin!
Totally agree about the marathon thing – A few years ago I said I would only run if I was being chased, lol.
Nice post! Running has made me more confident, too – I really noticed that when I was in London this year, seeing my community, knowing zillions of people, shouting out to clubs I knew. And it’s increased my self-esteem and confidence through the volunteering opportunities it’s afforded me, too, plus in a roundabout way my officiating has helped me stop working at weekends and get outside more!
Seems like running has really been a positive in your life!
YES to all of this! Running has made me a much better person – definitely has taught me patience and to embrace adventure! <3
YES to patience!
I’m with you on confidence thing! When I struggle with it I think to myself that all the virues I apply in running I can apply anywhere and I’m capable of it!
That’s very true!
Running has definitely made me a better person. In addition to more confidence, running has helped me overcome extreme shyness. Now I’m a social butterfly! 🙂
I’m hoping that it does this for me eventually! i’m still an introvert by nature. I’m not as shy as I used to be but I could always be more social.
Running has taught me commitment and discipline for sure. And patience, definitely! I think it has made me a better person, at least a more dynamic person. I try new things now, even if I’m nervous. I do feel like running has the power to really change a person for the better. That is, if you don’t hate running after you’ve tried it ! ha!
Totally agree about trying new things – running has me more okay with getting out of my comfort zone.
Running has been my everything. I’ve been a runner for more years than I haven’t been. My identity is completely woven into the person I am.
I agree. I can’t imagine not bring able to run. Even if I don’t run long distances, I hope I can always hit the pavement for a few miles.
I can not even begin to name all the ways! A happier person, A more energetic person, A more driven person…I mean, my whole life has been changed by running!
I love to hear that! Running really is amazing.
Yes, absolutely! Running has allowed me to prove to myself that hard work and determination DO pay off. All the training, the fatigue, the tears – they all taught me just how strong I am. And they’ve made me appreciate my body and what it can do so much more. Like you said, I’ve also gotten to meet a lot of great people because of it! I think runners are the best kind of people haha.
LOL agreed! Runners are a special breed (aka a little crazy), but I love it!
I agree with everything you said. Running has given me confidence and taught me discipline. Like you said if you can get through marathon training you can do anything! Great post!
So true! I feel like training and running a marathon flipped a switch for me. It turned a lot of “can’t” into “can”.
I’m not sure running has made me a better person, but it sure has made me a different person! I have met so many new friends and have had so many amazing opportunities because of running!
I am always so thankful for all the amazing people running has brought into my life, including you!
Running has taught me to always make time for myself. We are busy doing other things that we forget about us. I cherish my time alone in the morning to run and think. Or not think at all. 🙂
That’s very true! Especially as women we tend to put others first. Running is a good way for us to put our health first.
Yes, yes, yes and yes! All of these things. It’s amazing what I have learned once I started viewing running as an amazing thing rather than a punishment. Who would have guessed?
I love what you says about it being amazing vs a punishment! When I was in school I always thought about having to run the timed mile during gym class as torture!
Oh my gosh, a huge yes to all you said! It’s amazing that there was a time I could have never imagined being a runner, and now I cannot imagine not being one!
Right?! I always tell myself that I probably won’t be a distance runner forever, but I would still love to be able to run short distances as I get older.