Happy Sunday! What a crazy week – I’m glad that it’s over. Did you have a good weekend? The weather here was gorgeous this weekend so that was much appreciated after a week of rain and cloudy weather.
Here’s how my workouts went this week:
Monday, April 27
Peloton Hip Hop Bootcamp 3/21/20 – Jess (60 minutes)
What a great class and a good way to start off the week! There were 3 treadmill and 3 floor sections. I like the fact that I was still able to get in around 3 miles of running during the class. The strength portion was all bodyweight exercises and we all know how fun those can be, lol.
Tuesday, April 28
Peloton Pop Ride 4/26/20 – Cody (30 minutes)
Peloton Upper Body Strength 3/2/20 – Robin (30 minutes)
Peloton Pop Fun Walk 3/6/20 – Oliver (20 minutes)
It’s always a good time with Cody on the bike ๐ The class was like one big dance party and it was a good way to start the day. That upper body strength workout was tough! My arms and shoulders were sore for a few days.
I was having some issues with my blog so I wasn’t able to get up my post for Tuesday Topics. I just didn’t have time to do trouble shooting in the morning but it seemed to be working fine after work – thank goodness.
Wednesday, April 29
Peloton BHM Soca Bootcamp 2/24/20 – Chase (45 minutes)
Peloton 90s Fun Run 2/20/20 – Jess (20 minutes)
My friends kept telling me that I needed to take this Soca bootcamp and it did not disappoint! The music was amazing (songs from is Islands) and Chase really made the class fun. I followed up the class with a short fun run and I ended up with 4 miles between both classes.
Thursday, April 30
4.2 mile run.
The last day of April! I ended the month with this run to get my monthly mileage to an even 60 miles. I also finally finished that darn burpee challenge!
Friday, May 1
Peloton HIIT Ride: Live From Home 4/29/20 – Robin (30 minutes)
OTF at Home Workout – Upper Body + HIIT
So..these workouts left me tired for the rest of the day, lol. The HIIT cycle class was a killer – so many intervals and my legs were toast. Then instead of doing a Peloton strength workout I joined one of my OTF coaches on Instagram Live since she was doing the OTF at Home workout there. I much prefer to do these workouts when they are led by a coach, and because she did the class at 7am, I was able to get it done before logging in for work.
On Friday afternoon I also signed up for the Zooma Run Club (thanks for posting about this Marcia)! I joined the Facebook group as well and all the women seem great. This will be great motivation for sure.
Saturday, May 2
5.5 mile walk.
To be honest, I really want to sleep for at least another hour but I knew I had to get out early to avoid being around a ton of people. Started out as a run for a few minutes, but then I just really wasn’t feeling it and decided to walk. I haven’t done a super long walk in about 2 years so this was long overdue and I really, really enjoyed it!
Sunday, May 3
Peloton Two for One: BHM Bootcamp 2/29/20 – Jess and Chase (60 minutes).
What a fun way to get in an early morning sweat! Such a great class and the music was super enjoyable – it was East Coast vs. West Coast rap. Jess led the treadmill portion and Chase led the strength training portion. Although it was fun, it was also hard and I was sweating like crazy by the end!
Total Weekly Mileage: 14.2 miles
Summary: 4 runs*, 2 cycle class, 5 strength workouts and 1 OTF at Home workout.
*I include running from my OTF workouts and stand alone runs as well.
Grade This Week โ B+
Overall a good week! I had some intense workouts this week but probably should have done more solo runs. I do usually get 2-3 miles of running in each boot camp class which is great, but I should do some longer runs (4+ miles). Originally I was felt guilty for swapping my run for a walk on Saturday but that line of thinking only lasted a few minutes. I sincerely enjoyed my long walk – I was outside for almost 2 hours! It wrecked havoc on my allergies for the rest of the day, but it was worth it.
On Thursday my parents celebrated their 49th wedding anniversary! Another quarantine celebration but they made the best of it.
As usual, I worked longer hours this week. When I found myself still at my laptop at 6:00 pm on Friday, I decided to treat myself to a drink and the Twerk station on Pandora – please don’t judge me, lol.
In COVID-19 related mews, my company extended our work from home order until May 31 so I’ll be working from home for the next few weeks. I’m actually okay with that because I have a lot of anxiety about going back to the office. In Connecticut the plan is to start re-opening businesses starting on May 20. Again, I’m nervous about this because I live in Stamford which is the epicenter for the virus in Connecticut. We have over 2,100 cases, but less than 200 deaths. Yes, the death rate is low when compared to other cities, but it still makes me very uneasy. I don’t know – I guess I just have to wait and see but I won’t be going anywhere but the supermarket this month – I don’t care if places are re-opening.
…and because I always like to end my post with a little humor..
That’s it! I hope you had a great week ๐
Iโm linking up with Deborah and Kim for the Weekly Run Down.
In Case You Missed It
May 2020 Goals
Catrina says
Haha, that last one with the kids made me laugh!
Congrats to your parents! I hope this time next year we’ll Be post-pandemic and they can celebrate their 50th-anniversary big time!
Good job on all your workouts. I like that you opted for a walk on Saturday.
kookyrunner says
Glad you enjoyed the memes ๐
Yrs, I hope next year that we can celebrate their anniversary in style!
Beckett @ Birchwood Pie says
My state locked down fairly early so it was really shocking last week when our governor said “hey we’re back open in May” last thing on Friday and didn’t announce the details until Monday. It turns out that “open” just means non emergency medical and back to work with masks and a lot of regulations and then if levels stay down retail will open in two weeks, no word on gyms and hair salons. They’re being really conservative.
Happy 49 to your parents! May they have many more. And ugh, I cannot catch a break with work. I don’t want to complain about having a job, but holy moly can things slow up a bit?
kookyrunner says
I’m glad that your state is being very conservative with their re-open approach! That’s actually so good to hear.
I totally hear you about work. I never want to complain because I know so many people are unemployed right now, but I really need a day off!
Deborah Brooks says
Ooh I am going to have to try that class with Chase and Jess together. They are my 2 favorite for strength training. Nice solid week of workouts for you.Way to fit all of that in while juggling work stuff. Thanks for linking up!
kookyrunner says
Yes definitely try that boot camp class – you won’t be disappointed!
Liz Dexter says
Happy anniversary to your parents! Lots of solid work this week for you. I’m trying to get inspired to do something apart from run but if there’s only x amount of time, I do go for the run above the other stuff.
kookyrunner says
Thanks so much Liz!
Wendy says
LOL, that last meme! It’s about right tho. Kids are always watching us. When I was running this morning, a little girl, probably about 4, was carrying a toy phone and holding it up to her ear. Not talking, just walking with it. I’m surprised she wasn’t holding a Starbucks cup in the other hand…
Happy Anniversary to your parents!!! You’re so blessed!
kookyrunner says
Ugh that hurts my heart about the little girl pretending to be the phone ๐ We have to be so aware of the example we are setting for kids.
Coco says
You had a grate week, Kim. I think all “should”s are off the table these days. Plus, I love the tulips from your walk. I am going to look for that hiphop bootcamp class – looks like a fun one. I also have anxiety about going back to the office, but also don’t have to deal with it until June.
kookyrunner says
Thanks Coco! I think you’re right about all the “should” going out of the window during this time. It look like I’ll be going back to the office sometime in June, which should be interesting since it’s going to be a brand new office building that none of us have been to before, lol. We started moving right as everything hit so we had to hire movers to pack up all our things and move over to the new building since we couldn’t.
Kimberly Hatting says
Great pics of Mom and Dad ๐ Gosh, I bet you’re sleeping soundly with all those work hours and all those workouts! The last pic of the kids…LOL I’m glad my kids are way beyond that age…not sure how I’d hold up playing teacher.
kookyrunner says
You would think I would have slept well but I had a few restless nights – ugh! Hopefully this week will be better ๐
Yeah, that meme makes me laugh every time I see it – haha.
Jessie says
Wow 49 years! That’s incredible. Hopefully they can plan something nice next year, with the hope that things are a bit more normal! I definitely have anxiety about going back to work. Even if we’re not high-risk of dying, this virus sounds really awful and I’d strongly prefer not to get it! Ugh. what a challenging time ๐ Glad you’re staying healthy and safe but getting in lots of fitness!
kookyrunner says
Me too! I hope they can do something really cool for their 50th anniversary ๐
I feel the same way. Not really worried about myself but I live with my parents are I don’t want to bring anything back to them. I am super concerned about that.
Jennifer @ Fit Nana says
Happy anniversary, Mom and Dad!! I love hearing anniversary stories that have big numbers in it. Makes me feel good about people. <3
You know, I do a lot but MAN, you do a lot each week!! I wish I had a Peloton because some of those workouts you do sound really fun!
I feel your anxiety about going back to work. Supposedly, we're going to be opening back up this Friday but I'm not sure it'll actually happen. I am lucky in that I coach the early class so it's not like I would see a huge amount of people but, it still makes me a little uneasy.
kookyrunner says
Thanks! They definitely give me some type of hope as a single person, lol.
I think I’m working out more now than I did pre-COVID. Probably because I have extra time in the mornings since I don’t have to get ready for work and drive there. I really appreciate it as my “me” time before going through all the craziness of the day.
Judy @ Chocolaterunsjudy says
Happy Anniversary to your parents!
We definitely all have different comfort levels about getting out & about. I have friends who absolutely just have to, and while I’d love to run somewhere different, for me, for now, the neighborhood it is.
Every week I say I need to go to the grocery store — delivery has made a huge difference, but I’m running really low on some things I have a hard time getting delivered. I’ve no idea if they’ll be in the store or not, but I think I’m going to find out this week. I hope they have what I want so it’s not a wasted trip.
kookyrunner says
Thanks so much Judy!
I have some friends that are ready to go back out into the world as soon as things open, but others are like me. I’m a bit cautious by nature so I don’t think I’ll do anything “normal” until late June or July. I’m just gonna stay in my little bubble inside of the house lol.
The grocery stores here are never crowded when I go (I normally go early in the morning, around 7/7:30) and they have been more restocked lately. I was worried about a meat shortage due to some of the plants shutting down due to employees with COVID-19, so I purchased a lot of meat this week.
Marcia says
Omg those memes are so funny! And so true! What a crazy time in a crazy world!
I too am uneasy about “reentry” when the worst of this pandemic is behind us. I also have no clue if our governor will allow back to work at the end of this month.
Cheers to your parents on 49 years! That’s fantastic!
kookyrunner says
These memes definitely kept me laughing this week, especially the one with the kids, lol. I feel for all the parents helping their kids with virtual learning – that is not an easy task!
Michelle @ Running with Attitude says
That last meme with the kids is too funny! I swear you all would be reading about me on the news if I had to homeschool my kids right now!
I share your unease about returning to places as they re-open. MA looks like it’s staying closed for a while longer and I’m okay with that.
Happy Anniversary to your parents – 49 years is fantastic!!
kookyrunner says
LOL! That meme with the kids is my favorite.
Although I do wish that CT would stay closed a little bit longer, I think we are trying to follow what NJ and NY are doing so that all 3 states are in sync. I have no problem staying home in my little bubble until at least June.
Cari says
Seeing this tab makes me realize I htink I just responded to a really old one in my inbox. Oops.
I’m with you on the return to working from the office. Not so much the commute, I can run or walk as it’s under three miles, but a busy high rise (we’re just north of Times Square) and open plan. Even with staff headcount down due to furlough, I hope we’ll be WFH a bit longer.
Happy anniversary to your parents!
kookyrunner says
While I don’t love WFH, I am now in a routine that works for me and I have no problem doing it a longer. I probably won’t go back to the office until around mid-June or so.
Lisa @ Mile by Mile says
I am with you about the reopening/going back to work. I am just not ready, especially since we still have so many new cases every day. I am just confused that so many places are opening up when it’s clearly still such a huge problem. I know that it will be around for a long time, but I just feel like people are getting a false sense that everything is ok and therefore it will end up making things worse again.
Great job with your workouts and happy anniversary to your parents!
kookyrunner says
I think you said it best that people are getting a false sense of security around the spread of COVID. I totally understand that people want to get back to work and start making money again, I just wish it could be done in a safe and responsible manner.
Darlene S Cardillo says
love those memes.
And Happy anniversary to your parents. That pic of your and your mom is so adorable. You are so lucky to have her support.
I don;’t mind WFH if I am doing web trainings. I don’t think we will be doing face to face ones in the near future.
I am not uncomfortable leaving the house to go running or shopping. I go early and to places where I feel safe.
kookyrunner says
Thanks Darlene! Yup, I feel very lucky to be so close with both of my parents. It’s a blessing!
I feel okay going out to run as long as I get out early. The stores still give me anxiety, but like you, I go very early to avoid crowds.
Laetitia Brock says
I’m SO impressed at how you’ve kept up with Orange Theory at home (I did do marathon month…) and at all the diverse workouts you do. And I love all your memes!! Thanks for making me smiles with those ๐
kookyrunner says
Thanks! I haven’t done the OTF at home workouts as much lately, but I do appreciate them very much!
Jenn says
Happy anniversary to your parents! How wonderful!
Once again, you rocked this week in workouts. Well done!
We are starting to open up, but Mr PugRunner is still working from home. It’s only him in his office, but he is in building with a doctor’s office and some other businesses, and he doesn’t want to be around any of that. I get it. Just stay safe. <3
kookyrunner says
Thanks Jenn! I hope they can celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary in style next year ๐
I don’t blame your husband for wanting to still work from home, especially if his office is in a building with a doctor’s office. Better to be safe for sure!
Lisa @ TechChick Adventures says
Once again, great memes! Phew, you did a lot of workouts this week! I did look up that Bootcamp class you mentioned and I might just try it tomorrow. I haven’t tried the bootcamp classes yet. I think it’s going to be super weird to have all of my coworkers back. I mean, sure it will be nice to see them, like family visiting, and then I’ll be wondering when they are going back home because they are cramping my style. LOL!!!
kookyrunner says
Thanks Lisa! I love that there are so many funny memes to select from during these crazy times, haha.
If you try the bootcamp class this week please let me know how you like it!
Chelsea Stockdale says
HA! I love that hairstylist meme! That’s too funny!!
Amazing job this week!!! I totally fell off the wagon with my One Peloton workouts but you totally inspire me to get back into them this week. Way to go!!
kookyrunner says
Right?! That one was my favorite too! ๐ The memes over the past few weeks have been pretty funny.
Renรฉe says
you had a great week Kim! don’t feel like you “should” do anything at all… I mean why “should” you have more solo runs? why “should” you have run instead of walked? Isn’t really about making the effort to get some movement in? You are doing amazing stuff, please don’t forget that!
happy anniversary to your parents!
I feel you about going back to work. I’d rather work from home now. I’m anxious too. Ron pretty much is the only one exposed right now – he does the grocery shopping and anything else we may need. I have been in one shop since our lockdown and that was a gas station convenience shop. We are likely staying home much longer than you guys though, but you never know. Something that really upset me before we were all sent home is that an ex-colleague (still in the same building as us) had just come back from Northern Italy from a holiday when it was known how bad it was up there and he was making jokes about it! The guy CAME INTO OUR BUILDING and could have brought that shit in! And he was making jokes!! ARG!! I think the day I heard about that was the same day I told my boss I was not coming back in.
kookyrunner says
I like your outlook on all of the “shoulds” and will continue to keep that in mind!
Wow – I can’t believe that your ex-colleague did that. That is so rude and inconsiderate, and I can’t believe he was making jokes. Is he not aware how many people have died from the virus?!?! Some people are so clueless!
Debbie @ Deb Runs says
It looks like you had another great week of workouts and there’s nothing wrong with taking a walk instead of a run. I call that “listening to your body” and maybe your body was telling you that it needed a rest.
Happy anniversary to your parents!
kookyrunner says
Thanks Debbie! I’ve been much better about listening to my body over the past few years which I think has helped me stay relatively injury free – knock on wood!
The Accidental Marathoner says
I downloaded the Peloton app when this whole thing started but I have yet to sign up and actually start any of the workouts. That should count, right? All of your workouts look so amazing.
The memes going around right now are helping to keep things light. We can also use a good laugh these days!
The tulips from your walk the other day are so gorgeous. They are just starting to pop up around here. I had a random one pop up where I haven’t had tulips in over a decade. It’s nice to see new life!
kookyrunner says
Definitely give the app a try! There are so many classes to choose from and I know you’ll find some that you love ๐
The memes are something I look forward to daily and they provide so much laughter which is much needed!
Montana @ Pretty Lil Mudder says
Congrats on completing those monthly challenges! And congrats to your parents on their anniversary!
I’ll have to try those bootcamps, they sound fun!
kookyrunner says
If you try the bootcamp class, let me know what you think!
Zenaida Arroyo says
Congrats to your parents. 49 years is fantastic. Those memes are hilarious. I will be due for a haircut on June 1st and have no idea if the salons will be open. I laughed when you mentioned Cody and dance party. He is never boring. I also signed up for the Run Club and am excited about it.
kookyrunner says
Cody is such a fun person. I just love his positive attitude!
Glad you signed up for the Zoom Run Club too!